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Lances' POV
Today is the day I have been dreading. It's a end of the year test and I know I can get a good grade on it but will it be better then Keith's? Keith is my so called rival. He is at the top of are class and I'm right under him, we are always being compared to each other. I know I can never be better then him.

" LANCE" lances mother yells from down stairs. " it's time to get up or you'll be late to school". " ok mama". 

I get up and walk to my dresser, I pick out my normal gray shirt with my blue jeans. I walk to my bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I put on my clothes, then brushed my teeth and hair. I put my shoes on and my jacket I take with my everywhere.

Mama called me down for breakfast and I sat at the table with my older sister, my older brother, my twin sister, and my two younger brothers, and my two younger sisters. Mama places food in front of each of us. We all devoured it, and got up to grab are book bags to leave for school.

I walk out the door leaving my siblings to go meet up with my group. First I met up with Pige and Hunk then Keith came up behind me and walked right past me to talk to Hunk and Pige. I look down at the ground was Keith joined the group. Of course no one payed attention to me I'm not important to the group, I'm just here.

Hunk looked back at me and smiles, I smile back at him but it's not genuine. I put up the act of happiness around the group and my family. I walk behind the group there all too busy to talk to me or even care that I'm here. It doesn't really matter at least I'm not getting bullied.

As we approach the school. Keith looks at me weirdly. " what are you looking at mullet?" Keith just looks away and starts walking faster towards the school. I walk in after the group and go to my locker. I pull out my books for English and science. I just want this day to be over all ready.

~~time skip~~

I walk into my last class of the day. The one I have my end of the year test in and the only way I can get into the garrison. Keith has already got his letter saying he got in. This is the only way I can make my family proud of me.

I finished last but it was worth it I got a 100 on it. I have to be getting in. Hopefully I get the letter. I really need to get in. If I don't Pige will make fun of me even more. She already got her letter, so did hunk. All I can do know is wait. Too caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice the bell ring and Keith walked up to tap me on the shoulder.

"what do you need mullet?" I spat at him. "the bell rang dummy." I just nodded and got up. I started for the door and Keith followed. Pige and Hunk were waiting for us outside the classroom.

"So lance how did you do on the test? I bet u failed!" I just looked at her with a shocked face. " NO! I got an 100 on it. Not that it really matters." I muttered the last part under my breath. "Lance getting a 100 on a test! That's unheard of" Pige said back to me.

"I just want to get into the garrison with all of you so I studied for this test." No one was even paying attention to me when I said that. I just looked down and walked back to my locker putting my math, history and flight books back.

I was walking out of the school and saw the group didn't even wait for me. I thought they said today we were going to all hangout. I guess I'm not invited, they probably will have more fun without me in the way.

I walk home with my head down not paying attention to the people around me. I make it back home with bumping into someone thankfully. " lance how was school?" My mama asks. I put on a fake smile then walked into the kitchen where she was.

"It was great mama, I got a 100 on my test today, the one I really needed to pass." My mom gave me a big hug. "that's wonderful lance!" She exclaimed. "Thanks mama, hopefully I get a letter soon saying I made it into the garrison."

"Hopefully you do lance." I smiled at my mom and walked up to my room. Thankfully none of my siblings are home they all have sports or some activities after school. I try to just relax, I don't have any homework because it's the second to last week of school. The last week for after school activities and sports.

I lay on my bed just thinking about the garrison, until I get a call from Pige asking if I was coming over to her house to hangout and have a sleepover. I told her I would ask my mom and get back to her. She hung up after that and went to do how knows what. As I ran downstairs happily, thinking maybe my friends do actually care about me. "Hey mom?"I yell down the stairs.

"Yes lance?" She replies, "can I go over to Pige's house to hangout and sleepover?" She looked at me and smiled, nodding her head."Go have fun lance". I ran back upstairs calling Pige to tell her I'll be over in a few.

Hey thanks for reading my story. This is my only story with klance in it so far. This is probably one of the shorter chapters I will make and I'll try to make all of them at least 1,000 words each chapter.
— E.R

Klance, depressed lance x Keith Where stories live. Discover now