She felt her stomach tighten and fear creep up her spine.

He'd found her.

Her shakes hands pulled her phone out as she replied to Marshall's text.

She definitely didn't want to be alone now.

She heard banging on the bathroom door.

"Ella???" She heard Sara's panicked voice "Ella?? Open the damn door"

Ella stood up slowly and unlock the door and Sara threw it open bursting in.

"I saw him"

She fell into her friends arms shaken.

"You can't let him get to you" Sara said softly but sternly "What about Marshall?"

"I don't think I'm seeing him till the weekend"

"We'll be okay. Let's take the week off, hide out?"

Ella nodded slowly, she just wanted to disappear as the anxiety rose in her body.


"That bars dope though" Marshall said as Proof stood in the booth, he and D12 were working on some songs when he felt his phone buzz.


There was a giggle and a hiccup on the other end "Hey Marshall, it's Ella, what you up too?"

Was she drunk? "Sup baby, miss me already?"

"Ofcouse! Can you get away for a few days?"

"Well actually" he though about how Kim had taken off with Hailie to her mothers again for a few days after their last blow up, he was still pissed but he realised it worked in his favour "I do, whatcha got in mind beautiful?"

"Wanna come spend a few days? I got some time off and could use a distraction"

"Baby you know I'm more then capable of being a distraction" Marshall smirked into the phone then it dawned on him "Girl why are you drunk, it ain't even 3 o'clock, I thought I was the irresponsible rapper?"

"Oh don't worry, just come when you can, I'll be waiting" and she giggled again and then hung up.

Marshall look at his phone with confusion.

Something wasn't right, he searched his cloudy memories for the things Ella had told him.

She drank rarely but never was she a day drinker.

She was plastered on the phone.

She also never asked Marshall to come over, she always left that ball in his court.
Something was up, he couldn't quite figure it out.

"Yo was that Ella?" Proof said stepping out of the booth.

"Yeah man, she was wasted"

Proof looked confused "What?"

"Yeah dawg, she wants me to come stay a few days"

"Oooooh Slim bout to get nasty" Bizarre bellowed.

"Shut up bitch" Marshall snorted and looked at his watch "Aight all you freeloaders out, I'm gonna head out in a bit"

Marshall stood looking at his friends who didn't move a muscle.


Everyone chuckled at Marshall as they waved him off and left one by one.

"Your bitch ass needs chill" Koniva joked "We see you when we see you"


Marshall snuck under the dark of the night from the spot down the street where Proof dropped him off.

Standing at Ella and Sara's house he swung his bag over his shoulder and knocked on the door.

It flew open in a matter of seconds.

"MARSHALL" Ella slurred loudly "You made it!"

"Ya Girl, I said I was coming" he smiled at her, feeling at peace beside her, she leaned up and placed a passionate kiss on his lips "Damn You fucked up baby!"

"Oh I've had..." Ella started counting her fingers and held up a bottle of vodka "This many drinks!"

He still had the unnerving feeling as Ella pulled him over to the couch and then continued to be all over him, something was definitely not right with Ella.

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