Chapter 6. Heat

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Ella looked to her left and saw Marshall nodding off on her shoulder.

He was so drunk and stoned and god knows what else, she felt bad for him.

Imagine someone getting to you that much you needed to numb it.

Proof was talking to him trying to keep him awake.

"Man fuck bitches, they only good for one thing" Marshall slurred and looked at Ella, she winced at the venom in his voice even though he was slurring the words.

Proof gave her a apologetic look "Ay Dudey, how about you call it a night? You fucked up brother! Why don't you go back to your room with that fine ass lady you flew out to see you"

Marshall nodded slowly.

Ella and Proof stood up and dragged Marshall up with them "Sara boo, imma be back, I'm just gonna help Ella take Slim"

Sara nodded giving Ella a worried look "Sure, take it easy Ella"

Proof and Ella took a stumbling Marshall back to his suite laying him onto his bed, Ella stepped out to find some water and Tylenol ready for Marshall's impending hangover.

"You need to sober your big baby ass up" Proof yelled quietly so that Ella wouldn't hear and pulled Marshall's shoes off "And apologise to this girl for being a asshole coz she ain't Kim so quit being a bitch to her" Proof snorted "They only good for one thing" he mocked Marshall's earlier conversation.

Marshall just grunted as Ella walked back into the room.

"I'm out, I'll check on him later" Proof said and left back to the party.

Ella smiled at Marshall as she placed the drink and pills on the bedside and picked up her bag and spoke quietly "Do you want me to get you anything else?"

"Stay with me" Marshall slurred.

He needed her to stay, he was fucked up, physical and mentally, Kim had destroyed him yet again, she had taken Hailie and used her against him, again.

Those eyes could make him forget somehow.

Much like the drugs and alcohol that were running through his veins.

"Sure" She said with a kind smile and crawled in bed next to Marshall who pulled her close "I didn't mean that"

"I know"

"I'm fucked up girl"

"I know" Ella chuckled "I'm pretty sure what you consumed in alcohol tonight is more then the normal human tolerance"

Marshall laughed quietly "That's right but I meant that I'm actually fucked up in the head"

"Who isn't these days?" Ella said as she shifted in the bed to try get comfortable "I'm really sorry but do you mind if I borrow something comfortable to change into? These skin tight jeans look great but they're not sleeping material"

"Sleeping naked would certainly make me feel better" Marshall replied "here"
He sat up slowly and pulled his oversized T-shirt off and handed it to her.

"Thanks" Ella smiled got up and stripped down to her underwear slipping his T-shirt over her head, inhaling Marshall's scent, then climbed back in bed.

"Proof is gonna kick my ass tomorrow"

"It's okay really, I didn't take any offence, you are going through stuff" Ella spoke quietly, stroking Marshall's bare chest.

He sighed, his head was spinning and he just couldn't get his head on right lately.

Sober or otherwise.

Somehow the only thing that kept him grounded was the warm body next to him breathing softly.

He rolled and placed his lips on her soft ones and kissed her slowly, he wasn't sure if she'd fallen asleep yet but her return of the kiss answered the question.

And that's how they stayed for the next few hours until Marshall sobered and forgot his problems momentary, forgot he was Slim Shady or Eminem and most importantly briefly forgotten Kim, he was just Marshall with Ella and her ocean eyes.

Just laying there making out like teenagers.


A heavy banging on the hotel door echoed through Marshall's room.

He groaned and stumbled over to the door swinging it open ready to blast who ever decided to come and knock like a cop this early in the morning.

"Mornin' sleeping beauty" Proof grinned with Sara in tow as he shoved past Marshall with bags of food in their hands, Sara went straight into the bedroom to jump on Ella and wake her up "Get up bitch, Deshaun and I bought breakfast!"

Ella grumbled and slowly got out of bed.

"Girl you gonna put anymore clothes on?" Sara giggled raising a brow.

Marshall walked back in the room and chuckled seeing her stand there in just his T-shirt then threw Ella her jeans "You can keep the shirt baby"

They all headed out to the couch and all took a seat around Proof and the food.

"How was the rest of the party" Marshall asked biting into a breakfast burger.

"Ay One of the groupies boyfriend turned up and caused a whole heap of trouble, we had to get Bizarre to sit on his ass" Proof smirked "How has your drunk bitching white ass pulled up? Man you was so fucked up lastnight, I was sure we was gonna end up in hospital getting your stomach pumped or some shit"

"I had Ella so I was all good, she made sure I didn't choke on my own vomit"

"Did he say sorry for being an asshole"
Ella smiled "He did, don't worry"

"Good, by the way Dudey, Paul is on the warpath, he got a call about your dressing room, so maybe keep on his good side"

"What his bald fat ass gonna do" Marshall smirked "Fire me?"

"Man he's about ready to strangle you, don't play up to him dawg, he our money man" Proof said quietly in case Paul was in the halls.

"So Ella" Sara started with a big grin "Nice hickey you got there love, is it a Slim Shady Special"

Marshall just snickered "Just making sure all the mother Fuckers around here know you're mine, gotta mark my territory"

Sara rolled her eyes and Ella panicked pulling her mirror out of her purse "That's a fair effort, that is huge!" She groaned.

"Next time I'll do it in the shape of like Slim Shady it something" Marshall smirked "Like a superman symbol or some shit"


They all sat around until the guys had to go for their sound check so the girls went back to their suite.

"Everything end up okay last night?" Sara asked her friend.

"Yeah he talked it out and then we spent hours making out" Ella gushed "He's a great kisser, my lips are still tingling"

"Just make out? I expected more from the Slim Shady"

"He was way to smashed last night, you watched us stumble him out of there, plus he wasn't in the right mind frame, I wanted to just make sure he was okay you know?" Ella chuckled "Plus he said he's got a plan to make it up to me tonight!"

"So much for bitches ain't shit, they're only good for one thing"

They both laughed and fell on to Ella's bed talking about their night and what they were going to do today.

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