Chapter 5. Role Model

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Marshall walked off stage heading to the dressing room after the last encore with the rest of the artists.

Pouring water over his head as he opened the door he saw someone bending over in low rider jeans giving him the best view in the house going through their handbag.

Marshall froze, he knew those long locks anywhere, and that booty that he spent almost 24 hours gripping on too a few weeks earlier.

It was Ella.

He walked quietly behind her as she bent over and placed his hands on her hips .

"Ready for me already baby?"

She laughed, stood up and spun around with red cheeks.

"Sorry, I was just looking for my phone, but I think I left it back in my suite"

"I wasn't complaining, the view as I walked in was like a masterpiece" Marshall Chuckled.

Ella smiled nervously " Oh, Paul said to meet you here?"

"Yeah, I told him to make sure you get to me after the show" Marshall replied.

She was as beautiful as he remembered, her eyes were even more damaging.

He ached.

"Yo so I'm gonna jump in the shower, wanna join?" Marshall asked wiggling his brows and pulling off his shirt "Save some water?"

Ella smiled as her gaze ran down his body.

"What girl in their right mind would say no to that? So environmentally conscious of you"

"What can I say, I'm all about the world ma"

He then slapped her ass as she walked in front of him to the dressing room bathroom.


"Yo so you wanna hit the after party with us?" Marshall said getting dressed while Ella finished her make up in the mirror "I mean it's up to you, we go pretty hard if you didn't pick it up from last time"

"Don't see why not, I know Sara will be keen"

There was a banging on the dressing room door then Proof strolled in "Thought i'd give you warning we gotta leave soon so move your ass" he then turned and smiled at Ella "Hey girl, how is your fine self"

"Yeah not bad, great show by the way"

"See man, ya girl here understands who the real star of this whole show is" Proof Chuckled, Marshall shook his head "Did Slim ask you and your fine ass friend to hit up the party with us?"

"Yeah he did, I think Sara is back at your dressing room anyways, I haven't asked yet, but I'm sure she's keen"

Proof nodded and looked at Marshall "We heading out, the cars will be here soon"

"Yeah, it's cool, be there soon" he said waving Proof off as he walked out the door.

Marshall's phone rang, he looked at the caller and rolled his eyes "Ay girl do you mind if I catch you up outside? I have to answer this real quick"

Ella nodded, grabbed her bag then stepped out of the dressing room and closed the door behind her.

She waited and sat on the chairs in the walk way, she suddenly heard crashing and Marshall yelling on the other side.

Ella couldn't make out many words, mostly just the obscene ones.... and there were a lot.

She sighed and got up and moved away so she couldn't hear, giving Marshall privacy, whatever drama he was having was his business and she was sure as hell that he didn't want others to hear.

Proof walked back up "Girl you gotta move my boys ass, Paul's face is turning purple..." he paused and looked at Marshall's dressing room door and winced when he heard something hit the door "He about to turn even more purple"

"He's just taking a... very intense call" Ella said quietly.

"Yeah, he gonna be inna foul mood after this one" Proof sighed and sat next to Ella and waited for his best friend "Don't take anything he says to heart in the next say 6 hours okay girl?" He tapped his fingers on his leg and continued with hesitation"It's his uh ex baby momma and she's a head case and fucks him up, his ass is gonna get crazy coz the damn white boy ain't got no normal coping skills"

"Okay I won't" She said giving Proof a weak smile "Maybe Sara and I shouldn't come?"

"Nah Girl, trust me he'll want you there, he's just gonna be fucked up worse then last time you seen him" Proof looked at Ella and tilted his head to the side "You pretty chill for a fan though girl, no wonder Slim seems to have a soft spot for ya, I don't normally trust that angry white boy's judgement when it comes to the ladies, coz he's terrible at it, but I'm feeling him on it".

"Trust me, internally I'm freaking out that this is still all happening" Ella smiled shyley at him and leaned in to whisper "I still pinch myself"

They both flinched as they heard something else get thrown around the room and Marshall screaming "FUCK YOU BITCH"

Proof Chuckled "Girl trust me, this is very real"

"Is he going to be ok?"

Proof gave her a soft smile "Girl don't you worry that pretty head of yours about it, just have fun with him, he'll appreciate that more"

The door flew open and Marshall stormed out and looked around wildly then spotted them.

"Ay Paul said to hurry your fucking white ass up" Proof said as he and Ella jumped up and walked over to Marshall, Proof looker over his shoulder into the dressing room behind him "His big bald ass gonna have a fucking stroke when he see that"

Marshall rolled his eyes and threw his arm around Ella and took a swig out of the Bacardi bottle "Let's blow this shit already"

"He gonna bitch about it forever too you know, I ain't riding with you for a few weeks" Proof laughed nudging Marshall's free shoulder.

Marshall laughed at his friend "Your loss, you can ride with Bizarre and his stink ass, ain't no skin off my back"

Proof pulled a disgusted face as if he was reminiscing the scent "I'm good"

They met up with the rest of the crew and Sara at the back entrance, Paul waiting impatiently tapping his watch "Nice of you to bless us with your presence Marshall"

"And who you calling a stink ass bitch" Bizarre yelled "I wouldn't ever sleep on the tour bus again if I was you"

The rest of the group laughed and they all headed out to the cars to go back to the hotel.

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