"Samantha" she slightly almost smiled
"You look.. amazing"she spoke awkwardly

"Thank you .. you look drop death Gorgeous" i said I heard Emmett laughed I turned and smiled at him Rose smacked his head I laughed at her.

"Can we talk alone..please" she asked I looked at Rose then jake and looked back at Bella "Yeah sure" I followed her outside to the back.

We walked  close to the tree line where a big huge Rock sat she helped me up "thanks" I spoke nodding as I sat down.

It was quiet at first "Bella don't be weird" I joked "sorry" she smiled "ugh *scratch head*  "I'm sorry about everything I wish everything that happened a year ago didn't go that way I know I should of just talked to you instead of just blowing up at you and talking about your mom and calling you out your name"

"I was just so angry that you left me for so long I felt alone but I guess that was also mines and Renee fault because she never told me anything about you contacting me or trying to spend time with me I thought you was stuck being famous to be my sister you know" I looked at Bella she had teary gold eyes but the tears would fall.

"I'm such a selfish person out of all people you were the closet to me we had a bond better then Renee and Charlie but it changed when you left I was heart broken I'm sorry i should of listened instead of just assuming and cutting you off sam"

I frowned looking at the ground rubbing my belly  And looked at Bella.

"I'm sorry for crashing your wedding and not being the bigger sister trying to work shit out I could of tried harder or something" I shrugged "I didn't do enough I just like my anger take control of everything instead we are older now Bella arguing like little kids had gotten us no where but a split up between two sisters"

She nodded bitting her lip "I know I hate Renee for that I stopped talking to her after the wedding it's been a few months since I spoke to her she tries to call but I just don't answer I can't talk to her knowing what she did"

"Excuse me but Bella your mom is a bitch she was jealous of us well of me because she thought I would take you from her"

"I agree sadly it's pretty shitty knowing my dearest mother spent almost my young life to my young adult life lien to me putting lies in my head.. I guess that's why me and Charlie bond isn't so great but it's been good since I had Renesmee."

I smiled "you know she's a beautiful smart girl I seen something amazing in her Bella I felt her aura it's powerful.."she nodded

"She is my first child I love her a lot you know she reminds me of you and me together she shy but outgoing not scared to try new things but still in a little shell"

"That's what makes her special how's the vampire life? Miss anything" she smiled shaking her head.

"Honestly no I don't miss being human it's sounds horrible but it's just something I can't shake off that I like about it.. but bad part is I'll still be here to see most of my human family grow old and die" she looked at me.

"You'll have me still Bella" I put my hand on her shoulder she looked confused "what you mean" "well Bella I discovered that my mother family has Wizards,witches,Fairies and Nymph in their family"

"What is that" I smiled "I'm found out I'm an extremely powerfully witch/Nymph I'm a nature Moon goddess which means I'm presided over various natural phenomena--from springs, to clouds, trees, caverns, meadows, and beaches.

I'm connected to the moon and the nature somehow I guess that's why I also like going outside enjoying the outside world.

I can also stop aging at whatever age I want to be I can also reverse my age..

My genes will pass down to my children but they'll most likely have parts of Jacob genes the shapeshifting Witch or warlock..

I'm also immune to most vampire abilities
But I'm still in a human body to I can feel being hurt and bleed but I'll heal quickly.

I'll have to be really really weak in order to kill me but it's hard to get a witch weak we can be trick especially with me I can sickly control vines and flowers like fucking poison ivy shit is cool" we laughed

"Woah That's really cool Samantha really a goddess witch I thought this supernatural world couldn't get any weirder" I laughed at her

"So I guess we are all good ?" I asked Bella nodded "Yes most definitely sister again?"

"Sisters" I repeated we hugged almost but my belly . Bella
Pulled away smiling "how many months are you" she asked

"5 months it's really fun you know" I smiled "I bet .. how come I can't hear a heartbeat"  "I have a protective shield over the womb so the baby won't be harmed" she nodded "well I can't wait to meet my niece or nephew"

Samantha Swan 🦋 •Twilight •Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat