Chapter 24: Vehemence

Start from the beginning

They just don't know how fucking lucky they are.

The bell rung signaling first class. I didn't even want to be here today. I didn't want to even come to school anymore. I wanted it to be all over with, and I don't think I could wait any longer.

But I know there's a woman upstairs watching down on me right now, and I sure as hell don't want to disappoint her.


My morning classes were so damn boring. I didn't pay any attention and I knew that was bad because it was so close to graduation and I did not want to start now to fail and not be able to graduate. That would absolutely crush me.

Lunch came and went, but nothing special. Hanbin bought me lunch and we talked about things. I never mentioned Miss Chou and he didn't bring her up.

Last night when I got dropped off, Hanbin asked me what happened and I told him everything. We stayed up pretty late with me explaining how she doesn't want us to try because she's too afraid, which I understand, but she keeps fucking with my head and it's getting annoying.

One minute she wants nothing to do with me, the next she wants me to stay with her at her house. Then she admits that she has feelings for me and how fucking crazy it is but she can't help but have them, then she's telling me that we need to forget them and move on because she's my teacher.

Fuck the system, I want that woman.

Art came around and I could literally hear my heart pound in my chest. It was beating so damn hard that I was afraid I'd have a fucking heart attack and collapse on the floor.

She still has an affect on me even when she's fucked with my heart.

Hanbin caught up with me as we was nearing her classroom. He could tell that I was nervous and to comfort me, he started telling me how I need to breathe in and out, and of course, I hit his arm.

We walked in and my eyes immediately found her. She was sitting on top of her desk, with her legs crossed, and she was looking over a paper. She had glasses on and they were on the edge of her nose, which made her look so damn beautiful.

I was staring hard at her but I couldn't look away. All of a sudden I feel myself being pulled and I look to see Hanbin staring at me.

"What was that for?" I mean, I know I was staring at her but damn, pull my arm off why don't you.
He smiled, "You were about to run into another canvas," oh. He chuckled and I glared at him. He's an idiot, but sometimes he comes in handy. "I don't get a thank you? I practically saved your life,"

I rolled my eyes as I was sitting down. I looked over at him, "Thanks for being an idiot," he pouted his lip and I chuckled, "But you're a life saver," seriously, how embarrassing would it be if I knocked over another canvas?

The bell rung and a voice that I will never forget, rang through the classroom, "Alright class, today we're starting our new project," a lot of cheers and other unknown noises. "This project will be something that comes from your heart,"

"Like blood?" a student answered and the whole class erupted in laughter, even Miss Chou was chuckling.
"Not that specific, but what makes us feel something inside our hearts, whether it's emotion, passion, pain, love or anything. It could be something or someone," her eyes scanned the room. "That is what I want you to draw or paint," hmm. Interesting.

A student raised his hand, "Ok, so we can paint whatever we want that makes us feel those emotions"
Miss Chou nodded, "Anything that her heart desires. Draw what makes you feel any or all of the emotions," she smiled as everyone looked like they understood. She made her way back to her desk and sat down.
I looked over at Hanbin as he was getting his things ready. He looked up and met my eyes as I was watching him, "What are you drawing?" maybe if he tells me then I'll get inspired because right now, I can't think of shit.

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