Chapter 22: Just a Little Compromise

Start from the beginning

I guess if you have something happen to you in a town that's the size of a freaking cantalope, everyone will hear about it in the next twenty four hours and won't stop looking at you.

"So, is Yoona really going to do that?" Hanbin asked as he was sipping his water.

I told Hanbin what Yoona said to me in the hospital. I still don't fully believe her because of all the lies she's told me these last four years, maybe more. I mean, she's been to rehab a few times, but she always gets out in a month and she's back to doing the same shit.
Why is this time any different? Because I almost got killed from her drug dealers? Oh yeah, the sister award goes to Yoona Minatozaki, everyone.

I can't believe it took almost killing me to finally realize that she's a total fuck up and she actually admitted it. What a fucking great sister.

I shrugged and stared down at the table. "I don't know to be honest. She's been lying to me for so long and I don't know if I could believe her or not," it was a lose of hope if I actually thought she would change.

"Has she said anything else to you afterwards?" I looked up to meet his eyes then shook my head.

"I haven't seen her since then," she hasn't been home and she didn't come back when I was released.

I honestly thought she was going to change but I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up because no matter what Jessica says, she never changes.


Miss Chou agreed to take me home after school, and Hanbin was more than happy to allow her. He smiled so damn big and I wanted to hit him so damn hard.
He seriously needs to stop because one day, I really will hit him.

"Sana, can you help me take some boxes out to my car?" she snapped me out of my daze as I was standing in her classroom after the bell rung. I nodded and grabbed a box that she told me to grab.

We walked out of the building and into the parking lot where her car was, and I was thinking about class today. Hanbin kept telling me that she was glancing over at me every once in a while and when I would look at her, she'd look away.

I hate when she does that because I know she does it, and my heart skips a beat everytime. She keeps messing with my heart and I don't know how much longer I can take it.

I mean, she was the one who wanted nothing to do with me anymore, so why the hell was she doing this?
She still agreed to take me home and pick me up. She stayed with me in the hospital. She stares at me in class. What the hell is this woman doing, destroying my heart?

I put the box in the her trunk and she shut it. She smiled at me, "Thank you," I smiled back and walked to the passenger side of her car.

She unlocked the doors and we both got it. I sat my backpack in the floorboard to make sure I didn't forget it this time. Although I wouldn't mind her coming back and bringing it to me, because I don't mind when she's near anyway, but I don't want to forget it again.

I buckled my seatbelt up and thought about Yoona. I wonder if she's home, and if she was, what was going to happen? All I could think about was about what she said ever since I saw her. I hope she sticks to her word because I really want her to get better.

She deserves to get better because I hate seeing her like this. I always hated what she's been doing and I pray every night that she gets the help she needs.

Although she's done what she did to me all these years, she's still my sister and I still love her.

I look over at Miss Chou as she's driving. She's so beautiful and I hate how I still have a stupid crush on her. I shouldn't because my heart can't take this abuse that she's doing to me.

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