Chapter 32

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A/N: Okay so I wanted to try something and see what you guys think, so you're getting a very early update today.

I've been thinking about it, I know some ppl are getting antsy to see them finally get together and I'm thinking of making my chapters longer (which is pretty much just combining my plans for chapters into one rather than separating them into shorter, multiple chapters). However, if I do this, you probably won't get DAILY updates (unless I can write a TON of chapters this weekend), but you WILL get longer chapters, and still multiple updates a week. So I'd LOVE to hear what you guys would prefer I do!


"Tharn. We need to talk." Type said and then without waiting, he shoved himself passed the other, pausing only to slide off his shoes before he went and collapsed onto Tharn's couch with pursed lips and a stiff face. He could feel Tharn staring at him, eyes wide, but he ignored it until Tharn slowly shut the door and followed him over to the couch.

"Did something happen that made you angry?" Tharn asked slowly, lowering himself onto the couch a little bit further away from Type, almost as if he were afraid he'd be hit or something. Type rolled his eyes.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? You've been acting weird the last few days. Barely talking, stuck in your thoughts. You're barely even going through with what we're supposed to be doing, which is making people think we're a couple." Type pointed out and Tharn seemed to realize something as he leaned back into the couch with a sigh, just looking at him. "So do I get an explanation for how weird you're being? Are you wanting to back out of the sponsorships? You could've said that before we just signed another contract. Like what the fuck, Tharn?"

"Ai'Type," Tharn said imploringly, leaning a bit forward again as he reached over and pressed his hand against Type's knee. Type tried to pretend that his heart hadn't suddenly started racing, but he also didn't move away from the touch either. "That's not it. I swear it's not it. And it's not anything you've done either. I've just been... busy."

"Busy?" Type repeated incredulously, raising his brows and pushing Tharn's hand off of his knee as much as he didn't want to. "Busy with what, exactly? Because you cancelled dinner plans on me and I come to see why and you're actually here. You don't seem busy to me at all."

Tharn paused and stared at him, almost as if he were searching for something. Type just stared back harder in response and Tharn leaned away, pulling his hand fully into his lap. He seemed to be struggling to think of what to say and Type could feel the impatience grow inside of him. He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. He knew he was being a child. It wasn't even a big deal--except it kind of felt like it was.

Type was hurt. Why was Tharn acting like this all of a sudden? The two of them had gotten so close and comfortable with each other and just as things were going well, just as Type was getting to know Tharn, the other was going to pull away? Just like that? It didn't make sense.

It made Type want to scream and throw a fit because he felt like he'd come so far towards something, only to see it being snatched out of his grasp and it was an awful feeling. The last few months knowing Tharn had been hectic and not altogether fun, necessarily, but he could say, without a shred of doubt, that he wouldn't go back on any of it.

He really liked Tharn.

It was a shock even to himself.

"My ex is back." Tharn said suddenly and Type for some reason all of a sudden felt a sickly nervousness for a reason that he couldn't place. Maybe it was the way that Tharn's eyes were looking at him, somewhat heavy and sad. He felt as if something were ending, but what could be ending when nothing had even begun at all?

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