Chapter 12

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IMPORTANT: This is a TRIPLE update! Please read chapters 10 & 11 first if you have not!


Even days after Kom had left, Type still couldn't help but be a bit upset at him for putting those kinds of thoughts into his head. He hadn't been able to stop thinking of the words Kom had spoken to him since that day, things about liking Tharn, falling in love with him--it was just weird and absolutely not true. How could Kom even think things like that? Just because Tharn did have a way of making him smile didn't mean that Type was developing feelings for him beyond that of a close acquaintance, a friend. That was just...

Type sighed. He felt a bit bad for his rant and had that same night, wondering why he had said such horrible things. It'd been years since he'd last spoken like that, because he didn't really believe much of any of it, but he had panicked and it had been his way of trying to douse the accusations that Kom had tossed at him. What if Kom thought badly of him because of his (absolutely non-existent) feelings for Tharn? For men?

He couldn't take the chance that anyone would misunderstand him, let alone his best friend. So he had ranted and said hurtful things and it's not like he didn't fail to notice how quiet Kom had gotten, but he did wonder about it.

Was there a reason? It's not like it was the first time that Type had gone on a rant like that, specifically at Kom. Maybe Kom was tired of hearing it, maybe he had no strong feelings in either direction. Type would just have to let it go, it didn't really matter much anyway.

But now he couldn't stop thinking about Tharn. He couldn't stop thinking about that little smile the drummer would get on his face, so flirty and teasing, and he couldn't stop thinking about the way that it made him feel. Something. It made him feel something and that was enough to tell Type that he really needed to get laid. With a girl.

It was just because he'd hadn't had sex with a girl in a long time. A few months, the last person he'd had sex with being Tharn. So maybe there was some left over attraction there that he hadn't managed to get out of his system. A good old hookup with a girl should do wonders for setting him back on track though, he was sure of it.

But that would have to wait because he was on his way over to Tharn's.

Not to do anything--no, absolutely not. This was strictly business. They were going to play games, have some dinner, take a few pictures, and then do their very first live stream together. Just simple buds being buds. Well, buds who were being paid to be buds.

Type kept thinking about the sponsorship in his head. Once it was over, he could move on and forget all about this.

The apartments that Tharn lived at was impressive. The gated community promised privacy. He had to pass through security in order to be accepted in and once he was through, he made his way to the other's apartment, searching the walls for the correct room. It was quiet in the hall, no noisy neighbors, no pets barking, not at all like Type's place which, although nice, wasn't nearly to this level, and that was surprising, considering Tharn was the rockstar.

He rang the bell and leaned back on his heels as he waited for the door to be answered.

Type didn't have to wait long because only a couple of moments later, Tharn answered the door. Type tried to ignore the sudden dizziness that came over him as he stopped breathing, his lips parting just a little at the sight of Tharn wearing a dark sleeveless LBC shirt and dark grey sweatpants that Type pretended not to notice clung to his thighs. Casual. Incredibly casual. Type was nothing special, just a t-shirt and his pair of most comfortable jeans, but he knew he didn't look half as good in his own clothes as Tharn looked in his lounging wear.

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