Chapter 24

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Everything was almost in order and it was almost time. Though this wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, Tharn couldn't help but to be a little bit nervous about this album launch. Maybe it was because he'd spent almost an entire week screwing up every single one of their songs that they were going to perform, or maybe it was just something else entirely, but Tharn couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach as he thought about getting up on that stage.

But their instruments were almost set, the lighting was almost ready, and people would be starting to be let in for the party to begin. They'd open up with one of their songs from the album as a sort of greeting and then the party would get under way. There'd be drinking and laughing and music and they'd air their new video and everything would go perfectly.

Almost. Type had never gotten back to him about whether or not he was going to attend for sure. Tharn put him on the list anyway, just in case.

There were lots of people who would be showing up. People from the recording company, other artists, actors, but Tharn had a difficult time caring about any of them. None of them really mattered. It was all just business anyway. The fans' opinion of the album was what mattered.

And Type's. He wanted to know what Type thought.

He looked down at his hand where he held a signed copy from himself to the other. It was for just in case he decided to show up. Just in case he got another chance. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but Tharn couldn't help but to hold out at least a little bit of hope.

"Hey, you okay?" Lhong asked as he stepped up beside him, leaning against the wall as stagehands moved about, preparing things for LBC.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Tharn asked in return, looking up from the album in his hand and over at his best friend who just gave a one-shouldered shrug.

"Just checking to make sure that you don't mess up so Tum won't beat the shit out of you." Lhong told him, but it was in a teasing manner and Tharn gave a small laugh, letting himself find the humor in it.

"I think Tum and I came to an understanding." He looked over at Tum who was giving orders on where things go. Tum caught his gaze and his lips turned into a slight line before going back to ordering people around. Tharn gave a little shrug of his own. "At least for now."

"Would hate to be you." Lhong murmured, tilting his head against the wall and Tharn could feel his gaze on him, even as he looked back down at the album, turning it over in his hand. "You planning on giving that to someone?" Lhong's voice was oddly serious.

"Maybe." Tharn murmured with a soft sigh. "If they show up."

There was a moment of silence and Tharn looked up to see Lhong now looking down at his shoes, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. Tharn gave a slow blink in confusion. "Now it's my turn to ask if you're okay, Ai'Lhong."

The other man cleared his throat and shot him a smile, but there was a fakeness to it that Tharn had grown used to seeing through. "Of course I'm okay! And you know anyone would be crazy to turn you down."

"Or maybe they'd be crazy to not turn me down." Tharn suggested jokingly, pushing off of the wall and going over to his bag, carefully putting the album inside so that he wouldn't lose it. Lhong watched from where he still stood.

Tharn turned back towards his friend. "I guess we should help finish setting up, huh?" He suggested, automatically going to check and make sure his drum set was set up correctly. Even as he got busy, checking things over and talking with the people running about to see if there were any issues, his mind still lingered on Type, hoping beyond hope that the other man would show up tonight.

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