Chapter 26

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"Your sister is so much younger than you." Type lay on his back, his hands resting on his full stomach as he stared up at the ceiling of his apartment. Tharn lay with him, practically above him, but also on the ground. Tharn's head was directly opposite Type's making is so that Type would have to crane his neck upwards in order to see the other. It was better this way however, made it easier to talk without Type having to worry about what his face might look like.

Empty cartons of food lay beside them, neither having the energy or want to get up just yet to throw them away. They'd been playing a game and it was playing the loading sequence on repeat, but it didn't bother either of them as Type had muted the tv so that the two could just lay there and talk.

And this was fine. This was actually fun and Type got to ask questions and actually be interested instead of pretending that he wasn't because this was for work. You know, just in case someone decided to ask him something about Tharn. They were dating after all. At least, they were supposed to make it look like they were to the internet and to the world.

"It was a little weird at the time." Tharn told him. "I was twelve and about to be a teenager and suddenly I had a little sister and during that time well... I was struggling with myself and would be for another few years. But once she was born, I fell in love. P'Thorn and I both did. Thanya is one of the best things we've ever been given."

"I can't imagine it." Type mused, blinking up at the ceiling. "I mean, it seems nice, but I think I enjoyed being an only child growing up too much to ever want a sibling. Although... sometimes I can't help but feel guilty. I've been really selfish, choosing soccer over the resort and now my dad won't have any choice but to give it to someone outside of the family one day. And also..." he let his voice trail off at that, not ready to say it aloud. If Tharn was curious what he was going to say, he didn't show it, and he didn't ask.

"Well, some people are better off as an only child. I was never an only child. I always had P'Thorn there so I don't know what it's like, but I don't think I'd like it. I love Thanya and P'Thorn has been there for me through some... really tough times. I can't imagine having gotten through them without him."

Type wanted to ask, but he didn't, deciding that if Tharn wanted to tell him, then he would. It wasn't his business anyway, it was private. "All of my friends seem to have siblings. Techno has a little brother and Kom has an older sister."

"Lhong also has siblings. An older brother and sister, but you wouldn't know it by looking at him. I know his parents are always incredibly busy, but he never really talks about them or his siblings all that much. I think I only met them a couple of times. But I consider him a second brother. He's always been there for me too."

Type suddenly remembered the photographs on Tharn's walls, of the way that Lhong would be looking at him with clear love in every single one of them. It didn't seem Tharn knew at all how Lhong really felt, but Type had been able to tell just from a few glimpses at some pictures.

"So you and Lhong have been best friends for how long?" Type asked slowly, trying not to seem too interested in the answer.

"Since we were about fourteen, right around the time I really started questioning myself. We both bonded a lot over music and started a band up pretty quickly with some others and then well... you know from there. Here we are. But we didn't even get popular until we were already twenty. Took three years of putting out music before people actually liked us. Except you, with the LBC poster on your wall back home."

"I'm seriously going to kill Kom for telling you that." Type promised. He would if Kom ever talked to him again anyway.

Tharn laughed and the sound made Type smile, a warmth spreading through himself. "So--and you don't have to answer. Have you dated a lot of guys? You figured it out as a teenager and you're twenty-four now..."

What a Kiss (a TharnType fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang