Strengthening Body And Soul

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Lan Wangji

The next day, Lan Wangji leaved the bed earlier than usual, to prepare Wei Ying a special breakfast, because he didn't eat anything at all last night. The training was tiring, as they used quite a lot of spiritual power, more than physical strength so far and the dark tunes Wei Ying played for so long were dangerous to the balance of his two energies.

He had asked his brother for permission to keep using the Crystal Lake after training, so Wei Ying could benefit for the higher level of yang magic and be less tired after the demanding training and Xichen had agree, right before Wangji leaved his room last night. So he planned to take care of his Wei Ying the same way for as long as it was necessary and also spend some time to know him better, while they occasionally make out, if that was Wei Ying's wish.

When back to his room, he wake up his sleeping beauty, not accepting a 'just bit more' excuse and have him sit behind the table in where a hot meal was waiting for him. He purred tea on his cup and urge him to drink it, so he could begin his day with the proper energy to hold on for the coming long hours of training. They eat in silence, but their gaze over one another, spoke volumes of what was still left unsaid but was more than obvious.

Once the breakfast was over and they clean themselves, Wei Ying came to finally hug his Lan Zhan, then kiss him good morning until he could no longer hold his breath. Then he changed his clothes for the white ones and they headed out, almost holding hands to go to the training island.

This time they were not the first ones to arrive. Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli were there already, as well as Jin Zixuan, who was talking with his fiancé, quite closely. Wei Ying was glad to see her smile, while attentively listening to her fiancé. She obviously cared for the jerk and at least he was not been rude to her so far, which was always a good sing that maybe things will change for the better, or so he hoped. Jiang Cheng however, was talking with his sword spirit Sandu in a hush tone probably not wanting to disturb the happy moment of her sister.

"Good morning." Wei Ying offer and the others turned to greet him back.

"Oh, I thought you were already in training." Jiang Cheng said.

"Not today." Wei Ying simply said.

"Are you still training in the Burial Mounds set? No one had got it, since you first have it." Jiang Cheng kind of whined and Wei Ying sighed at the ambitious guy. He was a competitive one, but at least he didn't acted all jerky as the peacock did before and it was understandable that Jiang Cheng was in a hurry to impress Wen Qing that was too advance in her healing studies. If she could take down a man with one finger... well, he needed to improve quite a lot to be on par with her, but even so...

"Don't be too eager, Jiang Cheng, that training it's not a walk in the park. By the way, how are you doing with Wen Qing? She is quite strong and bossy, be careful not to enrage her or you will be sorry." Wei Ying warned him, but Jiang Cheng smiled.

"She is strong alright, but she is not bossy. She is quite cute actually." He confessed a bit nervous and Wei Ying smiled wide.

"Oh, you became a lovebird already? That was fast..." Yeah, like he was one to talk, just minutes before he was trying to devour Lan Zhan. What right did he had to criticize others that haven't take the first step just yet? Wei Ying thought, while Wangji smirked behind him, because his troublemaker was quite wicked, telling Jiang Cheng about been fast, when he had gone beyond that himself.

"It's not like that!" Jiang Cheng protested while blushing and Wei Ying laughed freely this time.

"Yeah, right..." Wei Ying joked and turned to wink at his partner. Lan Zhan looked away, while his heart pounded like crazy inside his chest, forcing himself to restrain, in order not to grab Wei Ying and kiss him senseless right in front of the others.

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