43. m y h a r r y

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My song....

tears stream down my face. This was the worst mistake I ever made.

I can fix this. I can fix this. I can fix this...

I say in my mind as I open my laptop and go to Harry's website. I check his tour schedule and I see his next show which is tonight, is in South Carolina.

I pull up another browser and check for flights to South Carolina.

It's booked. I'm officially going to South Carolina to find him. To find my harry.

I packed my suitcase with everything I need plus more. I don't know if going on tour with him is still and option, but I'm willing to try.

I board my plane and I'm off.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen. We have just touched down in South Carolina. Please prepare to edit the flight within the next 4 minutes. Thank you." The voice over the loud speaker says.

I grab my carryon and head off the plane to grab my luggage.

It's now 9:55 pm so I'll have to head right to the venue.

Finding it was pretty easy, but getting in is going to be a whole other story.

"Please! Harry knows me ok? I was literally working at his last show in New York. Can't you just tell him I'm hear." I ask the security guard.

"You do realize that he is on stage right now?" He mocks.

"You know what, fine! I'm calling helene." I say pulling my phone out and finding her number. It rings a few times until she finally picks up.

"Peyton?? What's up?? I'm kinda working at Harry's show right now can I call you later?" She asks.

"No helene, I'm here. At the show. Can you come get me from security?" I beg.

"Uh yes? Why are you here though. I thought you didn't want to finish the tour with him." She questions.

"I changed my mind ok? I just really need to see him." I say.

"Coming now bye." She says hanging up.

After what seems like forever, she finally gets me and i tell her I'm just going to wait in his dressing room. She tells me she needs to head back out to the show and I assure her I'll be ok.

1 hour later...

I hear footsteps approaching the room. The door knob turns and is pushed open by no other than harry styles. My harry styles.

"Peyton?" He asks confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I change my mind, I want to be with you!" I exclaim throwing my arms around his necks and pulling him in for a hug.

"Seriously?" He asks.

"Yes." I assure and he hugs me back. When we pull away, he leans in for a kiss.

How I've miss these lips.

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