11. m o r n i n g a f t e r

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i wake up in a tangle of sheets and harry by my side still asleep. last night was magical. i cant believe we fucked last night. we only ever did once before and it was when i first met him.

i close my eyes deciding to wait to "wake up" till harry is awake.

i wake up once again realizing i has fallen back asleep and harry is no longer in bed with me.

i get up and realize i'm completely naked and i cant find my clothes anywhere.

i do find one of harry's black t shirts so i slip it on and head downstairs.

when i get to the kitchen i see harry by the stove holding a pan with bacon on it and another with pancakes.

this is my favorite breakfast.

after breakfast harry was acting a bit strange. i also noticed that he still hasn't completely unpacked his stuff despite moving in 4 months ago.

"i want you to know that i love you." he says completely out of no where.

" i love you too harry." i say cooly even though i was flipping out inside because this was a first time for the both of us sharing those words.

"are you ok though? seems like something is wrong..." i ask sincerely

"no i'm fine. everything will be fine."

"ok...." i reply unsure.

"so are you excited for your class trip? the senior class trip is a pretty big deal right?" he asks changing the subject.

"yeah i'm siked for it. we go to new york city and see a broadway show and then go out for a fancy dinner. we stay at a nice hotel and usually everyone sneaks out of their rooms and we have a party in the pool area. that's what i've heard from upperclassmen in the past years. the next day we get to do whatever we want, which for me will be shopping." i say cheerily

"sounds great." he says

"i'm gonna miss you thought." i state.

"i'm going to miss you too." he says a little more sad then i thought since i'm only going to be away for not even two days. he comes over and plants a kiss on my forehead and we continue our breakfast.

when i got home i packed for the senior trip and was on group facetime with my friends for most of the night talking about the trip.

once i finally get to bed, i open my phone and text harry.

me: goodnight xx

harry: goodnight love

i smile at his choice of words and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

the next morning i have to wake up at too early of a time and get to school for the trip. once i was on the bus i decide to text harry.

me: on the bus. missing you already :(

he doesn't reply but i figure he is just busy getting ready for class so i put my phone in my bag and catch up on some sleep.

30 minutes before we are to arrive to the theatre, i wake up and chat with my friends.

the play was great and so was the dinner after and now we are heading to the hotel.

i got so excited because i haven't been in a pool in awhile because of it being winter of course.

before we were about to leave the rooms u text harry again realizing he hasn't replied to my text earlier.

me: hope everything is ok. just about to head to the pool. miss you xx

i shut my phone off and head out. i was a bit worried because he usually answers my texts right away, but i decided to not worry and enjoy the trip so that's exactly what i did....

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