Chapter Sixty-Nine ~ Virgil

Start from the beginning

Virgil carried the two cats over to the couch and sat down, letting Emile toss half the blanket over his legs before setting Toulouse in his lap and cuddling Berlioz in his arms.

Emile giggled and pulled his phone out. "Smile."

"I don't smile for photos." Virgil held Berlioz up so the little cat's body covered the lower half of his face. Toulouse pawed at his chest and Emile took the picture, laughing.

"So what are we watching first?" He asked, leaning over to kiss Emile quickly once the phone was away again.

"You tell me, Koda-Bear." Emile grinned, holding up a small stack of flat DvD cases.

"Fan 'em out." Virgil set Berlioz on his chest. Emile fanned out the cases and he grabbed one at random, turning it around.

"Good pick!" Emile laughed, taking the AristoCats DvD and getting up to put it in the player. Berlioz meowed agreement.

Virgil watched his boyfriend put the movie in, smiling to himself. He hadn't thought much about life after the apartment with the others, but maybe this could be his next step. Or they could find somewhere together. Something like that.

"Ready?" Emile sat down next to him again. He must have found the other two cats because he had Marie in his arms. Duchess hopped up onto the arm of the couch, draping herself over the side of it.

"Absolutely, Robin." Virgil wrapped an arm around him.

~~~ Four Hours Later ~~~

By the end of the second movie, Emile had fallen asleep, as had most of the cats. Toulouse was sitting in Virgil's lap, rubbing his head against Virgil's hand as Virgil absentmindedly pet him.

His phone buzzed and he grabbed it, looking at the screen. It was a text from Roman.

The Annoying One

-Patton wants to know if you're coming home tonight-

-I told him you were probably getting some-


-I don't think so. Is it still storming?-


-Logan's happy with it-

-I'm not-

-Cry me a river Princey-

-Yeah tell Patton I'm not coming home tonight-

-Emile's already asleep and I'm not gonna bug him-

-Plus I have cats all over me-

-Well now Patton wants pictures- 

Another text message popped up on his screen. Virgil rolled his eyes, smiling.




-hold on Pat-

Virgil set his phone on a ten second timer and carefully leaned over to the coffee table, setting it up. He carefully tapped the button and leaned back, putting his arm around Emile again and kissing his forehead.

Once the photo took, he grabbed his phone again and checked it. The TV cast enough light for the photo to be clear. 



-I can't get Duchess into frame-

-But she's on the couch arm-


-I want to meet them-

-That wouldn't be good for you-


-but kitties-

-but hospital visit-


-I'll see you tomorrow, Pat-


-goodnight! Sleep well with the kitties!-

Virgil shook his head, smiling, and pocketed his phone.

"Emmy, sweetheart. I think it's bedtime." He nudged his boyfriend carefully. Emile grumbled and cuddled closer. "Emile. C'mon, Robin."

"Five more minutes."

Virgil laughed and put Toulouse right next to Emile's face. The cat began to nuzzle his owner, meowing twice.

"Fiiiine, I'm awake." Emile peeked an eye open. "Hi Tiger."

"I'm gonna assume you're talking to Toulouse and not me."

{I have been neglecting this cute couple so have some Anxcani fluff}

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