Watching from Above

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(Filler chapter to keep you begging for the fight scene; or delay the ending. Also introduces some extra lore.)

(3rd POV;  Arie's POV (Kinda))

Aries peered down from the castle clouds. He sighed.

Aries was scarlet haired, and had hard brown eyes. His white helmet had curling horns. His eyes sparkled like starlight, signifying his allegiance as a Zodiac.

Footsteps was heard behind him, and he turned around. 

"Greetings, Aries. What troubles you so?", asks Virgo.

Virgo was a nature spirit, and had long blond hair. She wore a green blouse, and had flowers and vines wrapped around parts of her body.

Aries dips his head in greetings. "Nothing.", he replies curtly.

Virgo tilts her head curiously, and sits down next to Aries. "You're worried.", she says. "About how our friends Little Kitsune and Aspidchelone are doing."

Aries sighs. "Indeed."

"But, why? They may be in normal bodies, and living mortal lives, but that doesn't mean they can't defend themselves. If those two do well, we can bring them up again."

Aries stayed silent. Virgo was right. But what if Little Kitsune and Aspidchelone were to be permanent-killed? Then they would never rise up again.

He remembered when that silly Zodiac with auburn hair would just run around, going out of his way to bring a smile to his peers. He was the prankster and youngest of the Zodiacs.

He also remembered calm and wise Aspidchelone, the eldest of the Zodiacs. 

They were a happy dysfunctional family of fifteen.

Until Herobrine came.

Aries clenched his fists in anger. It was thanks to that tyrant that the two Zodiacs were forced to disappear for a while, and then live mortal lives.

Aries observed the two. They were in a large group down there... at a hill. They were planning an attack of some sorts. 

He had observed them for a long time.

Little Kitsune was reborn as a prince. Heir to a throne in case the others wouldn't want to take it. He was always also so creative with his friends, making problems for entertainment, even.  A flash of gold, and lots of inner fire to please and bring a smile. Especially for his loved one.

Aspidchelone was reborn as a noble species with quite powerful magic. He seemed more wary of everything, though, and often shielded his emotions greatly, even going so far as to hide his features.

They didn't even KNOW they were Zodiac.

Aries sighed as his stomach growled. 

This problem would haunt him for at least another year or two.

But first, food.

(Author's Note:


Let's see if you can guess based on my clues on who Little Kitsune and Aspidchelone are!

Anyway, let me describe the story in more detail.

Long ago, back during when Herobrine had just become bitter, and Impulse and Notch were still in their friendships, Notch created the Zodiacs, a group of fifteen legendary immortal guardians. This included your twelve known Zodiacs, the recently rediscovered 13th Zodiac (Yes, there's ACTUALLY a 13th Zodiac. I'm not joking on that part), and two Forgotten Zodiacs: Little Kitsune and Aspidchelone.

Before I continue, let's go over their stuff.

Little Kitsune: 

Appearance: auburn red (although, sometimes he likes it blond) hair, amber eyes, and a younger appearance than the other Zodiacs because he's a few years younger than them.

Element: Fire

Personality: Optimistic, and quite the prankster. He's the type of person that will go out of his way to cheer you up if you're down. He's also very loyal, stubborn, and dedicated. However, he gets hurt easily (both mentally and physically), and sometimes loses control of his emotions. When this happens, the Zodiacs better bring some fire extinguishers, because a tantrum could result in whole cities burning to a crisp in fire.

Abilities: Can shapeshift into his namesake animal, pyrokinesis, although mostly a jack-of-all-trades in many things.


Appearance: Albino, although covers it up quite well: He dyes part of his hair dark blue, and disguises his eyes with a green color. Likes wearing casual clothing, and always has a thick backpack that looks like a turtle shell, which is full of a LOT of things, and also doubles as a shield. Oldest Zodiac (although not by much.)

Element: Water

Personality: Calm and mostly wise, an over thinker. He's also known for being really protective of his friends and supporters. However, when he's mad, he can easily bring about a storm. He's also the type of person who is really smart, but is so laid back and chill, messing with him isn't your first priority. He prefers peace, but will fight if he must. He also gets shocked at times.

Abilities: Can control the growth of life, and can cause natural disasters and rain. A very good swimmer.  Slow, but hard hitter. Can generate shields, control water to some extent.

Okay, back to story.

When Herobrine started his reign and war against Notch and Steve (and killed Impulse), his first priority was to slay and permanent-kill them.

However, Aspidchelone planned ahead. When they were fighting, the oldest and youngest Zodiac agreed on the final plan; and in the end, while saving their fellow Zodiacs from doom, they sacrificed themselves. And with their final breath, they cast a spell that instead of permanently killing them, they would respawn as mortals in a few millennia.

When they respawned as _____ and _____ however, those old powers faded away, as well as the memories, and would only emerge once more if they agreed to rejoin the Zodiacs.

For now though, the time isn't right yet to ask, and the Zodiacs can only watch them until the right time has come.


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