Dawn of War

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(Tinfoil's POV)

Tinfoil waited for the cheers to die down, and walked forwards. 

As he did, he stared curiously at IJevin who was staring blankly into outer space.

"Uhhh...", he started. "I made us some enhanced elytras. It's advantages are a plus."

Xisuma looked over at him, and Tinfoil noticed him glance curiously at IJevin as well.

Tinfoil brought out the new elytras.

It was like the one he wore, heavy diamond wings that could fold into a chestplate, and sharp edges.

Grian walked forwards and inspected it. "I like it!", he complimented.

That was the first compliment about his work Tinfoil had heard in a while. He nodded in reply.

False picked up a pair, and gave it to Xisuma. 

"Oh! Er, thanks!", he says as he takes it gratefully.

There was a bit of red on his face. 

"Must be heavy.", Tinfoil thought.

Soon, he saw the Architects and the Hermettes sparring in the sky with the new wings.

"Menace. We are ready.", Tinfoil muttered proudly.

(Time Skip brought to you by an Archangel petting a wolftiger.)

(Python's POV)

Python hated the Alter-Egos who trapped him.

He hated the prison.

He hated the dreary walls.

He hated Menace and his stupid mask with the stupid bloody teeth.


Of course, he couldn't say it out loud before somehow cheerfully saying something.

"Hello, Python.", says a certain wide-eyed Ego.

Okay, so maybe not all of them were bad. Deathralis and some of the other Egos wanted peace; or wanted to fight against Menace. That was good.

Suddenly, loud cheering and rallying was heard from the meeting room.

This can't be good.

(X's POV)

Xisuma peeked around the hilltop for the hole to the Ego prison.

With a nod, Ren peeked out, too, and used his sense to determine the safety. He then motioned to a spot in the ground. 

It was war.

(Sorry this was short. This was a transition chapter. Also important: The end to this story nears. The end is nigh.)

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