I later found myself straying away from his books as I began to sit back down in front of his desk. I could blow dry a bit more of his damp stuff.

As I blowdried his notebooks and papers, I saw Owen shuffle in bed.

Alarmed, I turned off the hairdryer and stared at him as he sat up, his back hunched and his hair messy. He still looked tired even after just waking up, and his cheek still had a small purple bruise on it that still confused me.

Owen looked at me with those piercing blue eyes of his again, and I felt myself spacing out. I was just yanked back to reality when Owen called my name.

"I'm quite hungry, and I haven't eaten anything all day. Could you grab something to eat? You could get something for yourself from the kitchen too, if you'd like." he told me bashfully.

I don't know if it's just his fever talking, but Owen seemed nicer now. I nodded and smiled at him.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said with a smile.

I stood up and walked out of his room, but from my peripheral, I could see Owen shake his head disapprovingly as he laid back down in bed. Now that was a sign that Owen might be feeling a bit better.

The layout of their house was still fresh in my mind, and it was pretty easy to navigate my way to their kitchen. As I went out, no one aside from Owen was home. I guess I have to stay here until someone comes by.

I immediately spotted their kitchen and scanned it.

I can't cook anything even if my life depended on it, and I can't just order takeout because I don't have that much cash right now.

Instead of wasting time, I let myself sneak a little peek inside their refrigerator, cabinets, and drawers. Last I checked, their refrigerator was just full of vegetables, jam, some cheese, and a heck load of energy drinks that must've belonged to Owen's older brothers.

Thinking that there must have been some sort of newer arrangements, I opened up the fridge first and found myself lucky that the things inside remained the same yet there was another addition to their stuff: chocolate milk.

I smiled.

I went in and grabbed the carton as I pulled out a glass and poured it in til it was full. Once I was done, I found a tray and set the glass down there. Now, all I needed to do was to search for something to eat.

Sick people don't exactly enjoy hard food and from my own experiences, I particularly enjoy eating some soft cookies whenever I ran down with something.

Believe me when I tell you that I searched everywhere for something soft to munch on, but there weren't many options, aside from actually baking cookies or giving him a cut of cheese from their fridge.

I was supposed to go back to Owen's room to tell him I'm gonna run home for a quick minute to grab some extra cash so I could order us some food, but as I looked up into their cabinets, I saw a clear jar full of butter cookies.


I came back to Owen carrying a tray with chocolate milk and butter cookies that I laid on a small plate. I set the tray by his bedside table, moving aside his bottle of water and box of pills.

Owen was in bed, facing opposite me. Gently tapping his shoulder, Owen shuffled in bed and turned. He didn't really look too enthusiastic now.

"What?" he asked with a hint of annoyance.

I was getting the memo that he's somewhat getting back to his senses now that he's sounding more alive than dead. I sat again on the side of his bed and held the plate of cookies in front of him. He eyed them warily.

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