Chapter 15

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We both groaned collectively and Lukas forehead had pulled away from mine, in the moment I hadn't realised he was touching me. Our eyes connected for a split second and I saw annoyance, but a hint of amusement. Turning to see the culprit, both Talia and Roman stood there sheepishly, but the comment had come from the man himself.

"Sorry" and he looked it, but his face made me laugh anyway.

"I thought I said that a lot quieter than what it came out like" I shook my head, still not quite believing what almost happened.

"It's fine, I was just comforting Layla"

"Yeah, we could see that" I shot Talia a look, but she just smirked at me, her face showing me that I was telling her everything the second we were alone.

"We'll just meet you outside" and with that, they both slunk out the way the came from, not actually telling us what they interrupted us for. Me and Luka looked back at each other, and just burst into laughter, after a solid minute of chuckles and giggles, we finally managed to control ourselves, but I certainly couldn't control the butterflies that were erupting in my stomach, from both his laugh and the memory of what almost happened.

"I think we should probably go back out, but we can continue this another time, if you want?" I tilted my head, wondering why he seemed nervous at the end of his sentence. The very fact I was going to kiss him back, and hadn't laid him out on the floor and kicked him the first time he grabbed me, wasn't enough of a sign to tell him I did want to continue? A soft smile came onto my face anyway, and I nodded my head. Relief came over his features, and once more he blessed me with another smile.

"You know, when I  first met you, I  wouldn't have thought that you would be the smiley type"

"before I met you, I wasn't the smiley person"

"Well I'm honoured I was the person who managed changed that" of course I added a bow to add to the dramatics of it, and he just repaid my gesture by doing his own signature move, rolling his yes.

"Come on, let's finish training" I straightened out and give him a smile of my own, ready to get back to it.

A couple of hours later, the night was starting to fall and I had perfected the use of shooting fire from my hands at the intended targets. I hadn't perfected the magical art of shaping my fire into a ball like everyone else could,  but I was assured that I would have that tiny detail  perfected on the next training session. The very fact that I would be included in the next one me made me happy enough.

"Let me walk you home" I rolled my eyes for the twentieth time, and repeated the exact same answer I had been giving him for the past ten minutes.

"Luka, I'm fine. It's a five minute walk, I'm a big girl now and can cope with walking that distance to my house"

"At least let Roman walk you home then?" He sounded desperate at this point, and looked like he was going to come forcefully if I didn't agree to one. I ignored the protest from Roman at being volunteered without his permission and narrowed my eyes at Luka.

"I'm sure you just want to know where I live" His face instantly turned into a smirk, and I didn't like it.

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