Chapter 1 pilot

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A woman who goes by the name Mary Winchester carries her son Dean into a dark room

"Let's say goodnight to your little brother Dean" replied Mary

"Night, night Sam" said Dean

"Hey Dean" John said making Dean turn and rush over towards him as John scoops him up in his arms "how is my little prince?"

"Good daddy" said Dean

"So what do you think, do you think Sammy is old enough to play footie yet?" asked John

"No daddy he still a baby" giggled Dean

John puts Dean to bed. Lights flicker on a baby monitor sitting on a nightstand next to a photo of MARY and John. Strange noises come through the monitor. Mary, asleep in bed, stirs. She turns on the light on the nightstand. "John" she looks and finds herself alone. Mary walks into Sam's nursery

"Does he need feeding John?" asked Mary

The man shushed Mary. Mary heads back down the hallway. The light by the stairs is flickering. Mary frowns and goes to tap at it till the light steadies. More flickering light is coming from downstairs: Mary investigates. A war movie is on TV and John has fallen asleep watching it. If John is here, Mary realizes, then the man upstairs cannot be John and must be a danger. She runs back upstairs

"Sammy, Sammy" called Mary

Mary screams as John bolts awake and runs upstairs bolting into Sammy's nursery. Something dark drips next to Sam. John touches it. Two more drops land on the back of John's hand. It looks like blood. John looks up. Mary is sprawled across the ceiling, the stomach of her nightgown red with blood, staring at John and struggling to breathe. John collapses onto the floor, staring at Mary. Mary burst into flames as the fire spreads when John grabs Sam and runs out the room handing him over to Dean

"Get your brother out the house, I be right behind you okay" ordered John

Dean runs out the house as John follows. They watch the room explode. A young woman named Jess comes out of the bathroom with her son wearing a sexy nurse costume as her son wears a turtle costume

"Get a move on Sam will you" shouted Jess "Shay wants to go to the party"

Sam walks into the room as Shay giggles and hugs Sam "hey bud, let's go to the party and we can get you a fruit shoot" Shay nods as Sam picks him up

They head to the party where they meet their friend Luis is sitting at a table drinking "it isn't my two favourite people and their son, can't believe you are going to a law school Sam"

"Yeah, it's not a big deal you know" said Sam

"Daddy go school, me start nursery tomorrow daddy" replied Shay

"Yeah bud and nursery is going to be fun" explained Sam

"Have you told your family yet?" asked Luis

"No, I haven't heard from my family, they don't even know that I have son either" replied Sam

Later on, they end up going home because Shay fell asleep. Sam places Shay in his room then heads to his own room and gets in the bed with Jess. Halfway through the night Sam hears a noise and gets up walking around his apartment. A window is open; earlier it must have been closed. Footsteps. A man walks past the strings of beads at the far end of the hall. Sam moves to another part of the apartment and waits when he spots Shay standing in the living room watching the man carefully. The man enters the room. Sam lunges forward and grabs the Man at the shoulder. The Man knocks Sam's arm away and aims a strike at Sam, who ducks. The Man grabs Sam's arm, swings him around, and shoves him back. Sam kicks and is blocked, then pushed back into another room. If the Man hadn't seen Sam's face before, he sees it now; Sam gets his first glimpse of the Man. The Man elbows Sam in the face; Sam kicks at his head. The Man ducks and swings and Sam blocks. The Man knocks Sam down and pins him to the floor, one hand at Sam's neck and the other holding Sam's wrist while Shay watches

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