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With my hand tangled with Nick's and Ezra clugging onto me, Xavier lead us through the crowds to the baseball stadium. My arm is secruely wrap around Ezra's waist, keeping him on my hip as his arms tighten around my neck. Nick grip on my hand tightens a bit as we pushed through all the people, his focus on following Xavier to the ticket posts.

Currently, we were in a pack stadium here in New York. Us four was dressed in Yankee jerseys, the boys had Yankee hats on with two blue and white strips painted on their cheeks. They clearly showed their pride to the Yankees and were huge fans of the baseball team.

I only wore the Yankee jersey but I was excited to come with them to a Yankees game. It was my first baseball game in live, we had good seats in the stadium and this was a sold out stadium too so it was packed with people. The boys had invited me to come with them for this game, since it was the first of the season and people were buzzing with excitement, they couldn't wait for it. So I agreed, since I wanted to watch a baseball game with them and hang out with them.

As we got our tickets, we moved inside the stadium. Loud chatter filled the room, people talking about the game of Yankees vs Giants. Nick bought Ezra a big foamed hand, the number one hand. Ezra waved it around in awed while we went to our seats, Xavier and Nick talking to each other about the teams and the game that has yet to start.

"Who are you going for Demi?" Ezra asks me while we walk through rows of seats, the two men in front of us trying to find our seats. I look at him, smiling as he waves the foamed hand in my face.

"Yankees of course, what about you?" I ask him and he grins at me, showing off his crooked teeth at me. Nick and Xavier found our seats so I set Ezra next to me while I sit down on his left, Nick sits at his right with Xavier right next to him.

"Yankees!" He squealed with delight and I smiled at him, pecking his forehead softly.

"Come on guys, let's take a picture." Nick says, getting out his phone as he set his baseball glove in his lap, we all leaned in and made funny faces at his phone. We took one more then we talk with each other for a while until the rows of chairs around the stadium was filled and people were eager for the game to start.

When it did, there was a slight pause because the players were lined in the field and on the pitcher's place were two mics but no one was there. This was the part that they sang the national anthem, but who was gonna sing it?

"Excuse me, excuse me, pardon me guys, let me just squeeze through here, excuse me. Hey, hey you guys, Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas, hey I'm Garbiel." A man says, pushing his way through our row and when he got to us, we looked at him confusedly as he waves sheepishly.

"Hi, can we help you with something?" I ask him polietly as he nods, still smiling sheepishly at us.

"Um, I work here at the stadium and it appears that Justin Timberlake couldn't make it to this game to sing the national athem, and we don't have anyone else but then we notice that you guys were here and since you both are a phanomenal duet, can you guys please sing us the national athem, we don't want to delay the game any longer and we'll pay you for it. Please?" He begs us, slightly worried about no one singing it. My eyes widened, Justin Timberlake was going to sing here? Oh my god. Okay, okay but he needs someone to sing the national athem.

I look toward Nick, asking him silently if we could do it together. He nods and smiles at me before standing up.

"Sure, we'll be glad to sing it." He says and I quickly beamed at him, my hand quickly grabbing his as we stood up. Gabriel looks at us with relief, motioning us to follow him but Nick asks him if we could take Xavier and Ezra to the field. He said yes but needed to stay with the players.

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