V: Demi

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Wait, son?

This boy was Nick Jonas -I just learn his last name- son?

No wonder, they look very alike.

I was a little, no that's a lie, I was very surprise to hear this but I didn't let my surprise be exposé to them. He had a son, a small five year old son.

I knew I wanted to ask questions right now but I knew I should wait, Nick will tell me when he was ready. I'm just glad he told me the truth.

"Hi, I'm Demi. Your dad's friend." I say and grin widely at the two of them as I hold my hand out to Ezra. Nick eyes widened, certainly confuse as to why I'm not freaking out or something. Ezra grins, shaking my hand in a fast gesture.

"Nice to meet you, now let's go. I'm hungry, can we get ice cream daddy?" Ezra says and starts to walk with Nick down the street again, I caught up with them fairly quickly.

I walk by Ezra's side as he talk, I also knew Nick was giving me confuse looks, probably wanna question me too.

"I even got to read two sentences!" Ezra says, looking at Nick excitedly.

"That's good buddy! Wanna get some ice cream now?" Nick says and grins as Ezra nodded his head quickly.

"Yeah!" He says and bounce around us, avoiding people that came in our way.

"Wanna join us?" Nick asks me and I nodded, smiling at him.

"I'd loved to."

Nick opens the door to the ice cream parlor and let us go in first, Ezra runs to the counter and squish his face against the glass, looking at all the various ice cream flavors.

I giggled, stopping behind Ezra and ask, "Which one is your favorite?"

"Strawberry! You?" He says excitedly as he points at the flavor.

"Uh vanilla," I say and pointed at it. I turn to Nick and ask.

"What do you want? I'll pay," I ask and smiled at him. He shakes his head and say,

"I can't, I'm diabetic. But I'll pay," He says and my mouth open in a 'o' form. Another thing I know about him, nodding at him I smile.

No wonder he spit out my muffin, I thought he didn't like it.

"Okay, ready to order guys?" The girl behind the counter say, smiling at us.

"Yeah! I want a strawberry in a cone!" Ezra says, jumping up and down happily.

I smiled at him, I love his excitement. "Okay little man, coming right up. You?" She says and I nodded, saying.

"I'll have a vanilla, thanks."

"Cool, you sir?"

"I'll pass, but thanks."

The girl gets our ice cream and hand it to us, Nick pays with me telling him I'll pay the next time.

"I'm paying next time," I say as Ezra runs to a booth, ice cream in hand.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "There's gonna be a next time?"

"Of course, you guys are fun." I say, smiling at him and slide into the empty booth. Nick slides in next to Ezra and smiles at him.

"So," Ezra says as he stops licking his ice cream, his mouth covered with strawberry as he looks at me seriously.

I raise a eyebrow, a little amused.

"Do you like Disney?" He asks me very seriously and so to play along with him, I nodded.

"Defiantly, Disney is awesome and I love it. Which one do you prefer, Old Disney or New Disney?" I ask him and he grins from ear to ear, showing off his crooked teeth.

"Old Disney!" He says and I laugh, nodding my head with him.

"Yeah, old Disney is better." I say and he groans, throwing his hands in the air.

"Finally! Someone agrees with me!" He says and I laugh some more while Nick watch him, amused.

I grab my napkin so I can whip away the ice cream from his mouth. "Wait, Ezra you have ice cream all over you." I say and whip away the ice cream of his mouth. Ezra stops moving, watching me as he did so with a small smile.

I finish and sat back down, smiling at him. "There, your good now." I say.

"Thank you," He says, suddenly shy and buries his face into Nick's side, hiding his smile.

I give Nick a confuse look but he waves me off.

"He gets a little shy sometimes, we should head home now." He says and I nod, packing my things up while Nick threw away our ice cream.

"Yeah, me too." I say and follow them out the ice cream parlor.

We walk to the subway, Ezra talking away about his cars and action figures, wanting to play with him later.

I grin to myself, I love their bonding and father/son relationship.

When we were out of the subway, and into the busy streets again, I knew that Nick walk home while I needed to take a cab.

"Well, I'll see you guys later. It was fun hanging out with you," I say and smiled at Ezra. He waves at me while Nick gets me a cab.

"It was! Next time lets play together," He says and I nodded, chuckling.

"Sure little man, anything for you." I say and ruffle his hair. The cab got here and I took a seat, I close the door after me and waved at Nick and Ezra. They wave back as the taxi drives away.

"Where to Ms.?" The taxi driver say and I told him my address. Relaxing against my seat, I thought about Nick and Ezra.

They both were really nice to hang out with, I knew I wanted to spend time with them more often. But maybe Nick is taken, besides he has a son already.

He probably has a girlfriend anyway.

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