XVI: Nick

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I put the jar on the counter, a satisfied smile crept up on my lips as I look at it. A picture of Ezra was taped onto the jaw, my handwriting was scribbled underneath the photo.

'Money for Ezra's hospital bills. Thank you if you put in some money :)'

Grabbing my electric guitar, I step up on the stage and sat down on the stool, I lower the microphone to my lips and smiled softly to the customers in Swift & Sweet. I was at work, I convince Raphael to let me sing a few songs on the days I work here to raise money so I could pay for Ezra's hospital bills. He let me and if I do bring in more customers, he'll let me sing here on the weekends and raise my paycheck. A empty stool sat next to me with a microphone stand in front of it, that stool was for Demi. She was going to help me raise money too and sing with me.

She wasn't here yet though, which made me a little nervous.

I softly tap the mic and it fuzz a bit through the cafe, people turn to look at me to see what's going on. "Um, hi guys. I'm Nick Jonas and I'm going to sing you a few songs with my friend who isn't here yet. Uh I'm doing this because my son, Ezra, recently was in surgery. I didn't had enough money to pay for his bills but it would make me the happiest father in the world if you could chip in a few cents or dollars into that jar over there." I motion to the jar before looking back at them. "If you do, thank you so much. So um this is Stop the World and Catch Me-" I stop talking when I saw Demi run into the cafe, looking a little out of breath. I smiled at her as she shrugs off her coat, beanie and scarf onto the hanger before walking over to me with her acoustic guitar in hand, she sits beside me on the stool.

"Here she is, guys this is my friend Demi Lovato." I say and she gives a sheepish smile, waving a little. "Hi guys," She chirps happily and looks over at me, smiling softly.

"As I was saying, we're going to sing Stop The World, its a song that Demi here wrote a few years back." I say and Demi grins, grabbing her own acoustic guitar and settling it onto her lap.

I nodded to her, mouthing 'one, two, three,' then she starts to sing softly as we start to play our guitars.

"I don't know, I don't why I'm so afraid; I don't know how, I don't know how to fix the pain; We're livin' a lie, livin' a lie; this needs to change. We're out of time, we're out of time, and its still the same," She sings and I smile as she turns her head to look at me.

"We can't stop the world, but there's so much more that we could do," I sing softly and I let her sing the next verse. "You can't stop this girl from falling more in love with you," And we sing together softly. "You said 'nobody has to know', Give us time to grow, and take it slow; But I'd stop the world, if it'd finally let us be alone; Let us be alone," And we finish the song off.

I smiled at her as the cafe stays quiet, a few people were recording us is what I notice when I finally pull my gaze away from Demi.

We strum our guitars as we started on Catch Me, I sing the first verse. "Before I fall too fast, Kiss me quick but make it last; So I can see how badly this will hurt me when you say goodbye," I sing softly, struming my guitar, I look over at Demi. She smiles softly at me before starting to sing the next verse.

"Keep it sweet, keep it slow; Let the furture pass and don't let go; But tonight I could fall too soon into this beautiful moonlight," She sings and giggles softly as I grin at her. I chuckle quietly before we sing softly the next verse together.

"But your so hypnotizing, you got me laughing while I sing, you got me smiling in my sleep; And I can see this unraveling, Your love is where I'm falling, But please don't catch me," The song soon ended with us starring into each other's brown eyes.

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