Chapter 40- Futures

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"I know you aren't thinking about giving up over there." Your eyes immediately flooded with tears as you whipped your head towards the voice, seeing All Might there in his shrunken state. He gave you a sad smile, his arms opening up for you to run to him for a hug.

"A-All Might...I...I..." You started sobbing as you threw yourself onto him, his boney arms embracing you tightly. He rubbed your back for you, his expression hardening. When he heard that Katsuki was kidnapped, he was devastated...but he pictured you and how you would take it. Clearly you weren't taking it well.

"There was nothing I could do...I was so weak I just...I lost him All Might...I lost him." All Might gripped your shoulders and forced you to look at him through your broken sobs. 

"Dry those tears Young (y/n). Look at me. You didn't lose Bakugo, he's waiting for us to come get him. He's relying on us to be strong and to keep going. You can't tell me you're willing to give up on him?"

"Of course not!" You growled, wiping your tears. All Might ruffled your hair, now sporting a grin.

"That's right. You can't tell me that someone who has worked in the field so long is suddenly scared of a rescue mission. Not that I'm telling you what to do but...I can't necessarily stop you if you decide to do something like that." All Might winked at you, inciting a light in your eyes for the first time in days.

If I can find his location...I can teleport there...I just need to find him. I can save him. I can do it. I am the only one who could do it.

"Listen...Young (y/n)...if you decide to go after him, be careful because I'm sure All for One is behind this. If you see him, or come in contact with him, you MUST get out of there. I'm the only one in the world strong enough to hold him off...and even then I'm not sure I'm strong enough to stop him." You heard the reluctance in his words of admitting his weaknesses. This only fueled the fire in your eyes further. You vowed to destroy anyone who threatened your new family...who threatened your Katsuki. Sitting here crying about him won't rescue him from the villains, kicking their asses will.

"All Might, do you have a plan?" He nodded, releasing his grip on your shoulders.

"Yeah, we are hoping to find him by the end of the week. Tsukauchi is on it and they already called Endeavor to start breaking through possible League warehouses in his ward." Your heart felt a sharp pang go through it, the reminder of his son gripping Katsuki's throat infuriated you.

"All Might, call me if you find anything, and I'll do the same." He nodded, now turning towards the sleeping Midoriya.

"He's devastated too, isn't he? He's hurt enough, he should sit this out and let us adults handle it." You chuckled, shaking your head.

"Deku and Astral are your proteges All Might. Do you really think we'd run away from saving someone?" All Might smiled softly while moving some of Deku's unruly green hair from his peaceful face. The sleeping freckled boy was so unaware of what was going on, or how you were ready to leave the hospital without even so much as a goodbye.

"Take care of him for me All Might." You whispered. He turned towards you, his sunken in blue eyes glowing.

"You're leaving?" You nodded, finding a bag of your things tucked near your cot. There was a note on it from Todoroki, him collecting clothes and supplies for you in a duffle bag. You furrowed your eyebrows as you stared at the handwritten note, quickly reading it.

(Y/n). I don't know when I will be able to visit you since they aren't allowing visitor hours...but I want to help. I know you're going to try and save him, and I want to help you. Anything you need at all, just tell me. I went to his house and Mrs. Bakugo collected some of these things for you. Kirishima wants to help too so feel free to use us both as a resource. 

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