I cocked my head to Pick and Knot.

"Read your schedule again thit,,,, the second page of official one"

Aishh,,, this bafoon really test my patience.
I take out my phone and start opening all the schedule he sent me.
Here it is. 

university ceremony. all students and lecturer have to attend this one. after that freshman will attend the faculty ceremony and start a week of student orientation, well in engineering its called sotus. the second years have special program in university hall with some guess, to give them some motivational speech. im scoffing when read this one. thanks God im not obligated to ttend such boring activity,,,, and seems like beam wont attend to, because he is third years just like me. but maybe he will join freshman program in his new faculty.

thinkinf of beam suddenly my stomach growl.....im hungry.... usually this hour i still enjoy breakfast with beam. i will ask him to prepare something to eat tomorrow,,,

kongpob pov

i arrived just in time to park my bike and search for the main hall. my p's told me last night the first official ceremony held in main hall and all students, lecturer and staff have to attend. so i make sure to wake up early and prepare everything for this first day.

i have called gulf and kao to come together at main hall,,, but here i stand in front of the door but cant see anyone of those two. i met my highschool friends that in engineering faculty, and kao's twin brother, apo. he just smirk at me from afar. that boy really different from kao, they like water and fire, but they never fight for anything, i wonder how they can be so different but love each other that much. even p' earth and p' mew always fight when they are younger, and p' forth too. papa said im the only one that callm and never make a fuss with my siblings.

prae and maprang hug me in bone crushing hug because we never met since highschool graduation and only talk in our group chat. they said engineering freshman have to come an hour earlier than other faculty,, and they are sweating already. i dont know whether to laugh or frown seeing their state, and they say its just the warming up, they start a week earlier than another faculty but their real sotus is gonna start after this main ceremony. they are like a bunch of teenager with too much energy, maybe thats why their senior make them do so many things.

finally i spot kao and gulf. we make a line in the last row for our major. the formation is forming U shape, with the freshman in the left row, near the door. the second and third years in the middle while the fourth years, staff and lecturer in right side. the dean and another important people is in the stage.

there is this small number of students that make their own row beside the fourth years, their line are strange because they use different uniform, kind of mixed from many different major and faculties. i want to ask kao what are they but i cancel it, how he will know? he is freshman too, just like me. my p's dont sy anything to me about this either. 

this ceremony is boring....its an hour already but its only halfway. i wonder why they make it an obligation for all of us to attend this boring event. i look at my surounding, most of the students are bored to death just like me, some are almost sleepstanding, while some are really paying full attention. for the nth time i catch kao glaze over to another row. at first i think he do it to look at apo,,, but his eyes are directed to opposite direction of engineering faculty. what is he looking at?

Twin OmegaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя