Chapter 1

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Ajahná's P.O.V

I walked down the cold, dark hallway of California High. Classes was session, where I should be. Blood was dripping from my nose and my legs and body ached. My favorite shirt was now ripped and covered in blood. My hair that I did soo perfectly this morning, was now tangled and a mess. My face that didn't have anything on it, was now covered in bruises and scratches. You might be wondering where did this happen and why nobody heard or see anything, well it was in the janitor closet. He beat me and choked me an punched me in my face and called me worthless names. I didn't tell anyone yet because I didn't think anyone would believe me or care. My book bag was hanging off my shoulder which felt like 10,000 bricks was inside. I was so weak and could barely walk. I made my way out of the school because I didn't want anyone to see me like this, that might be calling skipping class, but I have a perfectly good reason for doing it. I walked down the pavement towards my house, with every walk I would wince in pain. Good thing my mom and dad wasn't him because I didn't want them to flip out. I unlocked my front door and walked in, the house was quiet. I slipped off my shoes and slowly climbed the stairs to my room. I opened the door and threw my bookbag on the bed. I made my way into the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't look like myself. My face was now swollen with blood leaking out from my nose and head and mouth. I lifted up my shirt and my stomach was covered in bruises. A tear slipped my eyes as I slid down the bathroom door. What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to him for him to do this to me? I layed down on the floor and just stared out like I was lost. Maybe I'm not good enough to be here.....Maybe Heaven would be a better place to call home, Maybe Heaven has people who treats other people fairly. Maybe its time for me to give up.

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