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Today was the day Connor and I get named Alpha and Luna. After I found out what I was we thought it was time for us to become the leaders of this pack. It took several months to plan everything. They were doing the coronation in an auditorium currently me and Connor were standing by the stage on the opposite sides waiting for our cue to walk up. 

"Athena, be ready," Elizabeth said coming by 

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the coronation of Connor O' Brien and Athena" Dylan announced as Connor and I walked on stage toward him. Connor wore a nice button-down shirt with slacks while I was in a white sundress. The place was packed with people. Looking down I saw that the first two rows were Connor's family and his beta and third in command. Dylan turned to Connor "Connor, do you promise to take and uphold the responsibilities of being Alpha?" 

"Yes, I do" 

"Athena," he said turning toward me, "Do you promise to take and uphold the responsibilities of being Luna?" he asked 

"Yes, I do" 

"To complete the coronation, we will end with a blood exchange to connect you both to the pack" we both turned toward the small table right behind Dylan that held a single dagger. Connor took it first, slicing his palm open then handing it to me. I did the same before Dylan took our hands and put them together. A surge of electricity and energy ran through me as I heard inside my head everyone in the pack congratulates us "I'm proud to announce your new Alpha and Luna!" everyone cheered standing up from their seats clapping. We both smiled and turned toward the crowd holding our hands up while waving to everyone. 

The coronation had an after-party. It was outside in the woods where  a DJ and a table of snacks were set up. There were people everywhere either dancing, eating or talking to each other. 

"Congratulations guys!" Elizabeth exclaimed coming up and hugging us 


"You're Alpha now man," Anthony said 

"Yep, I'll get the paperwork done soon so you guys will have your titles" Connor told them 

"Yes finally!" Benny said high fiving Connor and Anthony 

"Who's ready to dance?" Elizabeth asked we all cheered 

"Athena, come with me. I need to show you something" Connor whispered before taking me away from the party

"Where are we going?" I asked him as we walked through the trees

"Somewhere special" we walked for several minutes until we came up to a treehouse that had been decorated with lights. Connor went to it and brought down a ladder "After you" he gestured for me to go up. I went up the ladder, when I was at the top it opened up into a lounge area that was covered in candles with a blanket on the ground. Going in I saw that the lounge area had a flat-screen TV on the wall with gaming consoles around it. There was a couch then two recliner chairs on either side of the couch. There was also a mini kitchen further back that had fridge "What do you think?" Connor asked as I looked around the place 

"It's amazing, I've never seen this before" 

"Anthony, Benny and I use it all the time," he said sitting down on the blanket. I sat beside him as he turned on some music 

"So, what made you do all this?" I asked he smiled 

"Well this," he said before pulling out a ring 

"Oh my god" I gasp putting my hands over my mouth 

"Athena, I knew when I first saw you that I loved you and that we were made for each other. When I'm with you it feels like the world stops and it's only us. Will you promise to stay with me forever?" without saying anything I lunged and kissed him making us both fall back. 

"Yes, I will stay with you," I said kissing him again

"Wonderful" he kissed back "Now let's get this party started". 

Let's just say I wasn't an unmated wolf for long. 

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