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I opened my eyes and were blinded by the lights "Ugh" I groaned holding my hands up shielding my face. Slowing my eyes adjusted showing me that I was in a hospital room "What the...?" I muttered my voice feeling like sandpaper. I looked over to the side seeing a table with a glass of water on it. I downed the water in a matter of seconds. The door opened with a nurse walking in before gasping dropping the tray she was holding

"Athena is awake!!" she yelled rushing out of the room suddenly Connor, Anthony, Jess, Dylan, Robin, and Elizabeth all ran into the room 

"Athena" Connor mumbled coming over to me

"Connor!" I yelled jumping up and hugging him. Tears in my eyes 

"I'm so glad you're ok" he softly spoke

"I love you, Connor. I didn't realize it but I love you and I always will!" I exclaimed before kissing him. He was taken back by this but kissed back 

"Um...earth to Connor, hello" I heard Elizabeth say I pulled away with a whine from Connor 

"Elizabeth!" I yelled hugging her too and then everyone else. I tried to recall what happened and how I got here but all I remember was redness and then everything turning black before waking up here "Um guys...how did I get here?" I asked 

"You mean you don't remember?" Connor asked I shook my head "After Ash explained that he killed your parents, you went berserk. You grew into a giant wolf before mauling him leaving him so mutilated and mangled up that you couldn't recognize that it was him. You then turned toward me before blacking out for 4 days" Connor explained 

"I've been out for 4 days!" they nodded 


"Has this ever happened to you before Athena?" Dylan asked 

"No sir, this has never happened. I've never been this mad before" I leaned on Connor as he rubbed up and down my arm

"Hm, I feel like I've read something about that star" Dylan mentioned 

"You mean the star on my wolf?" he nodded 

"Well, I am so glad that you two are ok," Jess said as she hugged both of us. Everyone soon left the room leaving only Connor, me and Anthony 

"I'm going to stay with Athena for today," Connor told Anthony

"That's good, I'll take care of everything. Have fun" Anthony said walking out

"I'm so glad to have you as my mate," Connor said nuzzling my neck. I giggled as his hot breath ticked 

"So," I started "You want to try that kiss again?" I smirked 

"I would love to" he then passionately kissed me. 

All-day, we watched moves, made out and talked. We were chilling watching a movie on the TV in the little room when Connor turned to me

"You want to play 20 questions?" he asked 

"Sure, I'm getting bored anyway," I said turning the volume down "Um favorite color?" 

"Blue, you?" 


"Private jet or yacht?" he asked 



"Book or movie?" 


"Same" this went on for several minutes. We started delving into deeper questions

"This might be a touchy subject but if your parents are dead then who raised you? I remember you telling us it was your grandpa" Connor asked I took a deep breath

"Yeah, I was raised by this old man who I called grandpa. Previously all I knew about my parents were that they abandoned me on the steps of grandpa's house which was an old building he lived in. I've been meaning to tell you that I lied about what I previously told you but I was afraid I would get judged" 

"Judged for what?"  

"The truth is that I never lived in a big house. Grandpa was homeless and lived in an old broken-down building that no one wanted. Suddenly he disappeared one day without a trance. I still don't know what happened to him. I've always been alone all my life never having someone around. The good things got taken away from me. When I found out that I was a werewolf it scared the shit out of me" when I was done explaining my life to him. It felt like a weight had been lifted from me "It feels good to get that off my chest" I said curling up to Connor. He was surprised at what I had told him 

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that but you know what?" he lifted my chin up "You now have an awesome family who will care for you no matter what" he kissed my forehead before pulling me closer "You also have an amazing mate too" I smiled 

"Yep, I do" we kissed then continued to watch the movie before eventually falling asleep. 

The Star of a Lone WolfUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum