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During one pitch-black night, a couple with a child ran through the dimly-lit street with haste. They eventually made it to an old building where they set the child down on the doorstep. A distant howl was heard.

"We have to leave now. We will come back for her" the man said urgently. With a longing look, the woman looked back at their child before placing a kiss on their head

"We will come back for you" she mumbled they jolted off just as another howl was heard. 

As the night grew on, no one came for the child.  The building that the child sat at had no one living there. Nighttime soon grew into daytime. When the sun came up, the child still sat there waiting for its parents to come back.

Early the next morning, an old man came by the building. He was homeless but lived in that building undetected. He was shocked to see a small child at his doorstep. Bending over he took the child into his arms and looked down at them. A blanket was the only thing that was wrapped around the child. The old man notices something hanging from the blanket

"Athena" the man read looking at the child "So your name is Athena" the child gurgled acknowledging its name "Let's get you some clothes on," the old man said walking into the house. 

After that, the old man raised Athena. He hoped her parents would come back but they never did.  Athena learned what she needed to from the old man's stories he told her. As she got older she used the library for the information she needed. 

Athen enjoyed her life with the old man. He took good care of her and made sure she grew up healthy and strong despite being homeless. Then something awful happened when Athena was 10; the old man didn't come back. She thought it was nothing as he would often be out awhile looking for food but this wasn't that time. Weeks eventually pasted that turned into months. Still, the old man never came back. Athena even went out and looked for him but he wasn't anywhere. Athena was all alone again. 

She didn't let this stop her. She went around and worked for people doing random jobs such as mowing lawns and walking dogs. She forced herself to learn everything there was to learn. 

Her life was normal until one night. As she was sitting down inside that old building until she felt her body explode with pain.  The pain was agonizing making her scream out for help but no one could hear her. The pain went on for hours. Her bones snapped in and out of their sockets, her body stretched itself every which way, her muscles tore and repaired themselves again and again. The pain stopped eventually,  and Athena's screams seized. It was suddenly deathly quiet as all she could hear was her breathing that was heavy. She tried to get off the ground but couldn't. Looking back at her legs she found that they were covered in grey and black fur. She then looked at her body and discovered that her body was covered in that same fur. Fear ran through her as she rushed toward a cracked and broken mirror only to find that she wasn't a human anymore, she was a wolf. 

The Star of a Lone WolfWhere stories live. Discover now