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3rd POV:

"What's the update about Asher?" Connor asked his beta, Anthony,

"Last we heard he had attacked another pack. The path he's been going seems to be headed toward us and he will be here in a week maybe days" he reported Connor groaned

"That baster. If he is headed toward us then we need to train our warriors more and bump up patrol around the territory. Warn the other packs around us too" Connor ordered 

"Got it" Anthony responded before walking out

"A war is coming" Connor uttered while looking at the reports on his desk. 


The next morning Athena woke up to the sunlight shining on her. She yawned then curled up into the sheets more "Mm, there so soft" she mumbled half asleep. A knock woke her up

"Athena, you awake?" Connor asked from the other side of the door 

"Yeah" she groaned stretching

"Mom's making breakfast if you want some" he mentioned before walking away. As she was about to go back to sleep, she jolted up slinging the sheets off 

"What the hell are you doing Athena? Stop this. This is too good to be true" she told herself. She got up, got dressed and headed downstairs

"Morning hon" Jess greeted 

"Morning" Athena responded before sitting down to a plate of food in front of her "I've decided to stay one more day" she mentioned while eating 

"That wonderful. Connor will sure be happy" Jess said continuing to cook. When Athena was done eating, she cleaned up 

"Where is Connor?" Athena asked 

"I think he's in the packhouse in his office" Jess answered 

"Ok thanks" Athena walked outside toward the giant packhouse. While walking she looked around at all the other houses while listening to all the sounds of nature. 

"This is peaceful," she thought walking up to the packhouse. The inside was filled with sofas and comfy chairs for people to sit on while also having a fireplace that the sofas surrounded. A set of stairs to the right of the door led up to the second floor. Athena went up the stairs then down the hall. As she got closer to one door, Connor's scent became stronger until she stood at that door. She knocked before hearing "come in" walking in there sat Connor at a desk in the middle of the room in front of two tall windows that looked outside. There were also bookcases around the room and a sofa and chairs that sat in the middle of the room 

"Athena" Connor muttered walking over to her "Weren't you leaving today?"

"I decided to stay one more day," Athena told him this made Connor really happy 

"That's great" someone cleared their throat making them both turn toward a boy around Connor's age with long brown emo hair who wore a red shirt with some jeans on "Oh sorry. Athena this is my beta, Anthony. Anthony, this is Athena, my mate" he introduced 

"Well, I'm glad to meet you Athena" Anthony responded "I'll be going Connor" Anthony left leaving only Athena and Connor. 

"So since you aren't leaving until tomorrow want me to show you around?" Connor asked 

"I would like that" Athena said. They both walked out of the packhouse and around the woods. 

Athena's POV: 

When we left the packhouse Connor took me all around the pack's territory. First was the training yard which had three huge wooden platforms on the ground that people could practice fighting on. Around the platforms, all types of training equipment were there. We then went over to a small school building that all the children would go to until they were able to go to public school. After that, we walked through the woods as Connor told me about who lived in each house and what they do. 

"What made you stay?" he asked as we walked 

"It's not going to take me that long to get to Canda so why not stay one more day" I explained 

"I'm glad you stayed. I get to spend more time with you" he confessed as he stopped and looked at me. A shiver went through me with my thoughts creeping in

'It's the mate bond. He doesn't really love you. He doesn't even know you' I adverted my eyes downwards toward my feet. "You may be right he is the soon-to-be Alpha"

"Athena, you alright?" I quickly lifted my head up and shook it

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking" 

"That's ok. Is there anything else you want to see or to do?" he asked 

"No, I don't think so. I'm going to walk around some more." I told him walking off. As I walked, my thoughts came flooding in with negativity and second-guessing

'Don't fall for his charm. He doesn't actually love you'

"But's he's my mate" 

'And Granpa was your guardian, look what happened to him'

"We don't know what happened. He could have died and we don't know it" 

'He's gone, isn't he. And where are your parents, huh?' 

"They abandoned me, so what?" 

'Face it, you've never had anyone for long. And you'll continue to have no one. You just like him because you feel safe. Nothing ever lasts forever' 

I had enough with this. 

"Stupid self," I said walking back to Connor's house and up to the room I'm staying in. "Stupid, stupid, stupid, I knew this would happen," I said while hitting my head. I know I shouldn't listen to the negativity but it's hard when you know it's right. 

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