Chapter 19

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I got home from school after walking past and ignoring Calum stood at the side of his car, I can't believe he's still waiting for me after what he did to me, he must be delusional and out of his mind. "Daisy" I heard him call my name when he spotted me after looking up from his phone but I couldn't turn back now, I couldn't give him what he wanted, so I kept walking.

Finally I had made my way home after the 15 minute walk instead of the 5 minute car ride I would of had if I had stayed with Calum. Walking through the front door the only thing going through my head was Veronica saying sorry. Why was she sorry? What does she know that I don't? Taking my coat off and hanging it up my phone had dinged signalling I had a message, making me take it out of my back jean pocket.

'You should see this' - Anonymous.

It was a picture of Calum and I think Violet against the hood of his car kissing. The photo went blurry as tears welled up in my eyes and soon enough I was crying again because of Calum. The curiosity was getting to me though as to who sent me this, It can't be Emily or Crystal or one of the guys they would've just messaged me properly without it being anonymous.

'Who is this?' I text back to the unknown person whilst wiping away the tears with my other hand so my vision could get back to normal.

'We go to school together but you don't know me. You're cute though, don't get why Calum would lose a girl like you' The mysterious person messaged back and from that I could tell it was a guy, a guy I don't know from school.

'Can I get a name?' I message back wanting to just know who this is so I can put a face to who I'm messaging right now and thinks i'm cute.

'Harry. Harry Merlock. We have Spanish, Drama and Geography together' Wow I didn't expect that, Harry Merlock was one of the jocks, he was on the football team with Liam and Peter but didn't really associate with them, he was also the guy that the V heads had latched on to before Calum had come to our school.

The fact that Harry Merlock thought I was cute made me blush, he was one of the hottest guys at school. I never thought I would stand a chance with him but obviously that has now changed. I could see me and him being a cute couple. Stop Daisy, you can't think that right now, you've only just fell for Calum. Boys had now taken over my life and I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

I shake my head to myself and got back into reality, quickly messaging Emily and Crystal in a group chat and sent them pictures of what Harry had just shown me and messaged me. I immediately got notifications on my phone making it go crazy and made me feel crazy.

'GO FOR IT' Were the messages I got from Crystal.

'IF CALUM HAS MOVED ON SO SHOULD YOU' Were what I got from Emily. She wasn't wrong though, I did think Harry was cute even before Calum had moved here and if he had moved on then so should I, right?

'Explains why Veronica was apologising now though'
Crystal had messaged again and that now made sense, she was apologising because her sister had made out with Calum and hurt me. Some of it still didn't make sense to me, maybe I should talk to Veronica alone tomorrow to see what else she knows.

'You still there?' It was Harry messaging me again and I had now realised I never messaged him back and left him on read, oops.

'Yeah sorry, had to help my little sister with something' I told a little white lie so he didn't think I was ignoring him or anything.

'See you in school? Maybe we could eat lunch together?' He now asked and this made me smile and blush furiously.

'Sure sounds good' I reply back to him .

'soo....HARRY WANTS TO EAT LUNCH WITH ME TOMORROW' I was about to send the girls but quickly realised I was still on Harry's chat making me delete it quick and then actually send it to the girls. I had nearly just committed social suicide.

'Can't he sit with all of us?' Crystal messaged and this had made me actually laugh and get the attention of my dad who had just walked in from work and getting Lily from school.

"It's just the girls dad" I say to him quickly so we can change the subject and I can get back to my phone. He just gave me a questioning look but then left me so I was alone in the living room once again.

'I'll bring him to our table tomorrow, Calum will be sat with Violet probably so he can have his seat' I message and then had a smug smile on my face. Not only will I be with one of the populars/hottest guy in the school, it will definitely make Calum jealous, especially if he takes his seat. This was all Calum's fault though, if he was just honest from the beginning none of this would be happening.

'Yay!' and 'Sounds fun' Were what I got back from the girls.

I finally made my way into the kitchen so I could make food for everyone tonight, it was my turn to cook. Whilst cooking I had the biggest smile on my face thinking about Harry and that there could be potential there but then I had realised something.

I still need to talk to Oscar and let him know that we're just friends and I have no feelings for him like that anymore. This might not end well.

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