Chapter 13

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"So how'd the date go? Was it nice or really bad? Did he try to make a move on you? I never thought Oscar would be that kind of guy, did you like it? Do you like him?" I was bombarded and interrogated the second Crystal walked up to me at school in front of my locker.

I had to take a second to process it all, there was so many questions all at once. "Umm, it was okay, he didn't make a move, you're right he's not like that and one thing is clear after last night, I don't like Oscar in that way anymore" I try and answer all of the questions to keep Crystal satisfied and when I get a little smile from her I smile back in hopes all the questions are now done with.

"Hey Em" Crystal says and I now turn and look over my shoulder to a scowling Emily. Wait, she's scowling at me? When me and Crystal both realise she quickly rushes off to the other side of the corridor to Liam at his locker, leaving me with a moody Emily.

I now fully turn around to face her but instead she isn't looking at me, she's grabbing her books out of her locker and placing them in her bag for next lessons. I make my way over sheepishly trying not to anger my best friend even more. "Hey, umm, can we talk please?" I plea with her, making her now look at me and give a quick simple nod of the head meaning 'yes'.

"Why are you mad at me? Is it because I said yes to Oscar?" I ask with guilty eyes trying to figure this whole situation out, to try and figure her out. Emily just rolls her eyes at me and tries to walk away but I'm not letting this go. I don't even know why she's so mad at me right now. "Emily, talk to me. What did I do wrong?" I now demand wanting to know the answer.

Emily now pulls her arm out of my grasp making me shocked by her sudden movements. "Yes, it's because of you saying yes" She now shouts getting attention from all the students in the corridor making a scene, I never thought she'd be like this.

"Why are you so mad at me for giving Oscar a chance?" I now shout back not daring to back down from this, I didn't do anything wrong.

She takes a quick share breath as if trying to calm herself down. "Because, I know you don't like him, you like someone else and that's not right Daisy" Emily says a bit quieter but it was too late, a crowd was now formed around us. "You were leading him on"

"You don't know how I feel for Oscar, I did used to like him" I was quick to defend myself and something was telling me that this was something more than me leading Oscar on or if that's what you want to call it.

"That's the point Daisy, you did used to like him, used to as in the past tense. You like someone else now and if you don't then maybe you shouldn't go around kissing people" Emily snarls back and I'm now left guilty and dumbfounded that my so called best friend just called me out to the whole school for being a slut, or that's just how it's came across right now.

I stay silent, I didn't know what to say to her. Emily Steel. My best friend since we were 6 years old has just said THAT to me.

Everyone was now silent, Emily was glaring at me and all I could do was walk away. Technically I ran away, out of the school and towards my house. Everything right now was falling apart and all because of this one stupid American boy.

The second I got in my house I slammed the door shut and ran upstairs to my room ignoring my mothers questions towards me. "Why aren't you in school?" "Why are you crying?" "Honey what's happened?" I ignored every single one and slammed my bedroom door shut behind me and fell down onto my bed on my stomach letting all the tears out on my pillow.

2 and a half hours later the crying had stopped and I was now sat on my bed in silence with my back against the headboard and my legs criss-crossed, holding onto a pillow. It was probably lunch time at school, but I wasn't going back in today.

I heard a couple soft knocks on my door and then my mums head popped around it, "Can I come in?" She asks softly as if trying not to break her fragile daughter. I nod my head at her 'yes' and wipe my tears from under my eyes I had let slip again. "Oh honey, what happened today? I thought you went on that date last night, wasn't it good?" My mum asks as if trying to make sense out of all this.

"The date went fine, but today-" I start to explain but the tears started welling up again.

My mum wiped the salty tears and waited for me to carry on with my answer. "Today Emily called me out in front of the whole school for going on the date with Oscar but also liking someone else at the same time"

"Is this someone else Calum by any chance?" She already knew the answer to her own question but I still nodded my head 'yes' at her so she had clarification.

"Mum, help me please" I beg and cry to her, I'm in need of some motherly advice right now.

She tucks a piece of hair from my face behind my ear, "Well you're going into school tomorrow definitely." She laughs and I laugh a little at her. "Take Emily to the side out of the way of everyone and just tell her the truth and how you feel. All I see is a best friend trying to look out for you and maybe she hasn't done it in the best way but her heart was in the right place"

I nod my head at her agreeing with everything she said. "Thanks mum" I smile and hug her to which she hugs back.

"No problem sweetie, you eating dinner with us?" She asks sweetly and I shake my head 'no' to her.

"I'm just gonna sleep" I reply back to which she gets up off my bed, turning the light off for me and shutting my door. I quickly fell asleep, tired from all of the crying I had done today and I'm now not looking forward to tomorrow.

I need to talk to Emily alone.

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