Chapter 4

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I rolled onto my back groaning in pain, my head was killing me and I felt like I could throw up any minute. I've never felt this way before, I guess this is it what a hangover feels like. It wasn't nice at all and I vowed to never drink again, it was a one time thing and that's the way it was going to stay.

My thoughts rolled back to last night at the party, Calum kissed me. He kissed me and then ran away like a little school boy that had just had his first kiss but I knew for a fact that it wasn't his first time kissing a girl but it sure was my first kiss and now i'm slightly regretting that it was with him.

Groaning again this time annoyed at myself that I had let this happen I finally push myself out of my bed and grudgingly made my way over to the calendar that was hanging on my wall with the red marker pen hung up beside it. 1 more days til school starts and summer is over. I'm now wanting to actually throw up at the thought of school and seeing Calum there.

Although a part of me wants to ask him why he just kissed me and ran, he left me so confused but also angry that I ended up having a few too many drinks and now here I am suffering with my first ever hangover. I'm just glad that I had nowhere to go today meaning I could stay in bed all day watching Netflix, avoiding my mum at all costs. God forbid her perfect daughter go to a party and get drunk.

"Daisy? You up sweetheart?" I hear my mums voice call out from downstairs and I cringe slightly as to what to reply to her. If I go downstairs and face her she will definitely see that something is up, the bags are evident under my eyes and I'm pretty sure I have a faint smell of vodka in my hair. Did someone spill their drink on me last night?

I open the door slightly and shout back "Yes mum, i'm just getting a shower" hopefully that will help the way I look and smell so my mother has no clue as to what exactly happened last night. I hear her shout an 'okay' back as I shut my door and walk over to the other door in my bedroom that leads to my en-suite.

Grabbing a towel from out of the cupboard I place it on the counter that was placed next to the shower and then turn the water on making it splutter to life, I tested the water out first before I undressed and ended up hissing at the extremely cold water that covered my hand. I quickly turned the dial so it was a bit more warm then finally got undressed and jumped in washing everything that had happened from last night, too bad it couldn't wash away the memories.

Finally finishing I turned the water off and stepped out grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my body letting it soak up all the remaining water particles. I wipe the mirrored wall that was above the sink getting rid of all the steam and placed my hair up in a ponytail before brushing my teeth so my breath didn't smell like the alcohol I had drank last night either.

After peeing I walked out into my room and over to my wardrobe that took over the largest wall in my bedroom, sliding the doors back I picked my outfit of the day out. A black skater skirt, a vest top and a light pink jumper to go over, placing them down on the bed I then walked over to my drawers where I grabbed my underwear and tights to go with it, I didn't want to be cold.

I got dressed into my outfit and then walked out feeling fresh faced and new again, I still had a slight headache though so I walked over to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen taking out two aspirins and swallowing them with water

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I got dressed into my outfit and then walked out feeling fresh faced and new again, I still had a slight headache though so I walked over to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen taking out two aspirins and swallowing them with water.

"You look nice honey. Going somewhere?" My mum enters the kitchen asking me and thinking about it I could go for a walk and maybe go to the local coffee shop just to get out of the house.

I turn around to face my mother so she doesn't get suspicious of anything, I swear this woman can make a scenario that hasn't even happened, actually happen.

"I'm meeting Crystal at the local café" I reply smiling at her to which she gives me a nod of the head and a small smile back handing me a £10 note which I took then gave her an appreciative hug as if to say thank you.

Leaving the kitchen I walk towards the front door where there was a shoe rack with everyone's shoes placed on it. My mums, dads, my little sister and mine of course. Grabbing my ankle boots I slip them on and went to walk out the house before I got stopped by my mum.

"Um excuse me. Coat and hat Missus, it's cold outside" She scolds and demands at me like I'm some child, well really I am her child.

I walk over to the massive cupboard that was under the stairs and grab my black trench coat that already had my white beanie in the pocket, I put it on then took out the beanie and placed that on top of my head too, I smiled at my mum but it wasn't a pleasant one, it was as if to say 'There you got what you want'.

Finally leaving the house I did the 12 minute walk to the coffee shop, I walked in letting the bell ring to show the workers that a customer had arrived. I shut the door behind me and walked over to the queue waiting patiently to order my drink.

"Hey what would you like?" I hear the all known too well voice. Calum.

He worked here as a barrister, oh this should be fun.

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