Chapter 9

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"Okay class, please pull out your book 'The boy in the striped pyjamas' and turn to chapter 7. We'll read out together" Mr. Higgins our English teacher stated making us all do as told. I instantly find the page then wait to find out who will be picked on first.

Mr. Higgins looks down towards his register arching his eyebrows at someones name. "Uh so class, I see we have a new student with us." Oh god no, he's now in English with me? What other classes do I have with him too?

Calum soon walked through the door making his presence known to everyone, most girls snapping their heads straight towards him with googly eyes and drool down their chin. "Sorry i'm late. I'm new and had to be at the office to get my timetable" Calum apologised to the teacher who got a warm hearted smile in return.

"No problem Mr Bennett. Take a seat beside Miss. Wellman please, you and her can share for today" The fatso Higgins told him and I'm now scowling that I can't get a break from this boy. "Come see me after class to get your copy of 'The boy in the striped pyjamas'" The teacher now finished talking to Calum, so now Calum was now walking my way and took the seat next to me.

"Hey" Calum whispered from beside me, placing his bag down onto the ground whilst doing so.

"No" I whisper/snap back at him, I think that made him get the hint that I wasn't in the mood to be bothered with right now. English used to be my favourite subject until now.

"What is your problem?" Calum whispered back trying not to gain any attention on us, he pulled the book so it was now closer to us so no one could see us behind it. Worse move he could've made.

"My problem is you-" I started but then got cut off by Mr. Higgins interrupting me. I looked up to see him stood over and looking down at us.

To say I was intimidated by my English teacher was an understatement of the century. "Miss. Wellman please stop smooching your boyfriend and read out the next paragraph please" he scolded me and I was now blushing furiously like no tomorrow, I just got scolded by a teacher for the first time and now everyone also thinks that not only were me and Calum kissing but he is now my boyfriend.

"Oh he's not my boyfriend" I try to defend myself to my teacher and let everyone know that there wasn't anything going on between me and Calum at all.

Mr. Higgins clapped his hands together and smiled but I could definitely tell it was sarcastic. "Oh great now we've established you like to kiss boys for fun" my face fell and I was even more embarrassed than I was before. "Read. paragraph 3"

I gulped and nodded my head not daring to say anything more in case I just made things even worse and just started to read the massive paragraph in front of me. Whilst reading I glanced sideways to Calum to see him smirking at me. I could kill him.

English was soon over and I was about to head to Chemistry until I heard my name being called out throughout the corridors. Hopefully if I ignore him he will go away.

"Daisy! Wait up!" Calum was now stood next to me making it harder for me to ignore him now. "Couldn't you hear me? I was calling for you" He asked me now grabbing my arm and turning me to face him.

He looked so good, his hair was a disheveled mess from running his fingers through it and his eyes glistened as he spoke to me. Snap out of it Daisy, get over him. "Uh no sorry" I snap myself out of the enhancing trap and lied to him.

"Oh okay. Well I have biology next, can you help me find it please?" He asked me with wide hopeful eyes still obviously not knowing his way around this giant school.

I put my hand out to him signalling that I want his timetable to see what teacher he had, that would help him more. "Cute, I want to hold your hand too but I kinda need to get to class" Calum smiled at me, I sure hope he was joking.

"No, give me your timetable. I need to see which teacher you have so I know which classroom" I explain to him and somehow actually manage to hide the blush forming on my cheeks from his flirty comment. Looking over his timetable I see that we actually have French and Drama together today too. "You have Mrs. Blackhurst for Biolo-" Once again I was interrupted and it was annoying me to no extent.

"Oh Calum i'm heading there now, i'll walk with you" Of course Veronica had to show up and offer to walk him. I was not about to let one of the V heads take a guy I was finally interested in. Not a chance. "I just need to grab my books, come with me" Veronica said about to walk away and drag Calum with her. I needed to stop this.

My hand reached for his and we were now holding hands. "It's okay Veronica. I'll walk him it's on my way and he shouldn't be late on his first day, right?" I ask sweetly but inside I was wanting to smack her. I wasn't waiting for her answer though, I just pulled Calum away and started walking with him to the new science building.

Me and Calum were still holding hands and by now people were staring too but something inside of me didn't want to let go. The way our hands fitted together was perfect. We were now outside his classroom and yet neither one of us made a move from each other.

"Calum, i've saved you a seat next to me" Violet's voice came from inside the class making me and Calum both turn to her where she was sat smiling, the jealousy in me was burning so I did the one thing I could think of.

I kissed him. Grabbing his neck I placed my lips onto his and he instantly kissed back. We were kissing in front of everyone now making it known to them that we were some sort of 'thing'.

Pulling away I felt nervous straight away. "I'll uh... I'll meet you outside the science building, we have French next together and then it's lunch" I explain to him so he knows what's gonna happen.

"Yeah sounds good. I'll see you after class" Calum says and then takes me by surprise placing a quick peck onto my lips once again then walked into his classroom, not taking the seat by Violet.

Walking away I couldn't help smile to myself. I think I want this with Calum, I just hope he does too.

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