Chapter 2

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"Daisy there you are!" My mother exclaimed when I was finally in her sight and I had made my way to the correct place without any more bump-ins and making myself look like an idiot. "Take your hair out of that daft thing" She now orders me pointing to the scrunchie in my hair, she's never been a fan of them and still controls how I should dress and how I should have my hair, it's never bothered me before, usually I just roll my eyes and do as i'm told to save an argument with my mum.

I go to say something but I get cut off by her. "Right okay, your dad has asked for us to grab him some jeans as he's put a hole in his" My mum now says and I just nod my head and I trail behind her into Jack Jones, she pulls out three pairs and finally settles on one pair then takes them to the cashier to pay then walks out the shop again, whilst doing all of this she never pays any attention to me not even looking my way.

Miss Selfridge now catches my eye, or should I say the cute dress in the window catches my eye. It was black, mid sleeve and not too short, it was simple but cute. I was just stood outside the shop admiring the piece of clothing in the window when my mother finally took a notice in my whereabouts and came back over to me. "Daisy not a chance, it's way too short" she barks her orders and grabs my arm making me now walk with her.

"But mum, you said I could do some shopping too" I now call out to her trying to make her stop or at least slow down, she kept her pace fast making me almost trip over my own feet, I finally had enough of being dragged. "Stop now" I shout but only loud enough for her to hear, I stop in my tracks and pull my arm back from her and out of her grip making her turn around to see me, her face looked shocked that I had finally stood up to her. "You hurt my wrist" I now say to her rubbing my wrist where she just had hold of me dragging me along behind her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise" My mum now apologises her face full of guilt. "You know how I feel about girls wearing slutty things like that and i'm not having my daughter dressing that way" She now expresses her thoughts and feelings. I totally get it, I do, but sometimes you have to let your 16 year old daughter make her own choices.

I now walk the 4 inches that separated us hugging her, "I understand. Can I please buy an outfit though? Crystal invited me to her party on Friday" I ask in hopes she'll say yes and that she'll let me go to the party and when she nods her head my face broke out in a massive smile thanking her over and over again.

"What about this?" I request holding up a cute, blue dress that had flowers on.

My mum held her hands on her chest giving me a smile before pushing me into the dressing room to try it on

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My mum held her hands on her chest giving me a smile before pushing me into the dressing room to try it on. I guess that was a yes then.

Pulling back the curtain now dressed in the outfit I look in the mirror placed in front of me and i'm in awe of it on my body. I was in love with the dress, I ran my hand over it complimenting it turning to see every angle of it on me. "You look beautiful sweetie" I hear my mothers voice and I thank her for the compliment. "So that's the one?" She asks me and I nod my head frantically excited at her. I undress out of it pulling my original clothes back on and walk out of the dressing room with the new dress in my hand.

"So we meet again Daisy?" I hear his voice again and I'm now worried and panicked that my mum is around and will see us but I sigh in relief when I see her at the front of the shop looking at shoes. "Nice dress" He compliments the fabric in my hand, I scoff at him and walk off from him leaving him trailing behind me. "Come on babe, don't be like that" He called me that name again, the one that made me want to melt but at the same time made me want to rip his gorgeous hair out.

Spinning around on my heels, I turn to face him "Don't call me that" I whisper shout at him trying to keep my voice down so my mum couldn't hear us. "My mum is here and she can't see us together" I tell Calum trying to warn him. He pulled his face in amusement once again, a look I know i'm going to be getting a lot from him.

"Why not?" He questions me "Let me meet your mother, it's going to happen someday. What's her name anyway?" Calum kind of threatens and asks, this made my stomach twist in knots as he was kind of right, she was going to meet him whether it be now or in school.

I was hesitant to answer him but he was going to find out sooner or later. "It's Rose" I say and instantly regret telling him. I now hear my mum calling out my name and the sounds of her voice were now getting closer and closer to us. She cannot see me and Calum together so I did the first thing that came to my mind, I pushed him behind the first dressing room and pulled the curtain shut on him.

"There you are, normally you have to buy what you have in your hand if you want it" My mum now explains laughing at me and I now hear Calum laughing behind the curtain too making me scowl in that direction. My mum pulls her face in confusion to the person being unknown behind the curtain to her, "Oh-kay.... you ready then sweetie? I got you some shoes to go with your outfit. You're going to look so good for your party on Friday" She says and i'm now scowling at my mum as Calum heard I'm at a party on Friday so he will most likely turn up.

"Can we just go?" I ask now annoyed making my mother nod her head in confusion and now walk beside me to the cashier to pay and then out of the shop. Finally I can go home and head straight to my room.

Then I remembered, I left Calum in the women's dressing room.

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