Chapter 3

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"This party is a blast, Daisy" Emily said coming up to my side, a red plastic cup was placed in her hand and there was no doubt in my mind that there was definitely alcohol in there. I scrunched my face up in disgust at the lingering smell of vodka coming from her breath.

Crystal was nowhere in sight, she was probably off somewhere greeting and saying 'hi' to people with her boyfriend. Crystal was the only one out of the three of us who had a boyfriend and was practically known around the school because she was that pretty, so if she wasn't friends with me and Emily we probably wouldn't be here right now.

"It's okay, I guess" I say back and then look down to the cup I had in my hand, lemonade to be precise. If I came home smelling like booze my mum would kill me, literally. I'm surprised she even let me come to the party.

I wasn't really in the party mood but yet I still wanted to be here, my mum was letting me have freedom for once so of course I was going to take it and not stay in on a Friday night. I took another gulp of my lemonade making it all gone and before I could comprehend what was happening Emily had took my cup from me.

"Emily, Emily come back" I shout after her because I knew exactly what she was doing, she was trying to get me to drink an alcoholic drink. "I can't, she'll know" I explain still walking after her, weaving in and out of people going into the kitchen. I stop when I see her already filling up my cup with vodka and lemonade. Great.

Emily walks back up to me and places the cup back in my hand. "It's one drink Daisy, I doubt she'll know. Please lets just have fun" She pouts now trying to get me to cave in. I look down to the cup hesitating, well I guess one wouldn't hurt. I took one large gulp of the substance, downing it all in one into my system that I could feel it burning. "Yay" She now cheers that i'm finally having an alcoholic drink, it's my first time.

"Let's go dance" Emily shouts and then grabs my arm dragging me into the living room where the couches were pushed up against the wall so everyone had room to dance in the centre of the room. I start to feel myself letting go and having a fun time, I guess the vodka had kicked in. We started dancing together making other people join in so there was literally no room anymore, the house was packed with teenagers.

Closing my eyes I start to feel the beat of the music and sway to it rocking my hips. "That cute guy over there hasn't stopped looking at you since you got on the dance floor" I hear Emily say from next to me, my eyes shoot open and my head whips towards her.

"Who? Where is he?" I ask but I already had a hunch who it was, I didn't think he'd actually come but when I look around the room searching for him my eyes land on him. Calum. "I'll be right back" I shout over the music to Emily and leave her dancing so I can make my way over to the chiselled god. Maybe I shouldn't have had that drink.

Walking up to him I shout over the music "So you found the party" and he just laughs at me, I didn't know where this sudden rush of confidence came from but it seems to be amusing to the both of us. "Well what do you think? Your first British house party?" I ask and place my hands on my hips looking around to everyone here.

"It's not my first Daisy" He tells me with a smirk playing on his lips. "Are you drunk?" Calum asks me, I shake my head no but I knew I was, I just didn't want to give him the satisfaction of teasing me that I got drunk off only one drink. He grabs my face looking and then he locks his eyes on mine, I swear i'm melting under his touch right now. "Your pupils are dilated which means you are drunk Daisy" He pulls away from me and for some reason I wanted to feel his touch again.

"It was only one drink" I try to justify myself and before he could respond I grab his arm and drag him to the dance floor with me. "Dance with me. C'mon" I usher him and he just stands still laughing at me and my dance moves I'm doing right now.

"This is too cute" He coos at me and i'm now blushing. "Hey come with me" He grabs both my hands stopping me from dancing, pulling me out to the backyard with him. We were now stood in the middle of the garden with no one around us, everyone was inside getting drunk and being social with one another.

"Why'd you bring me out here" I ask but don't turn to face him, my interest on the stars in the sky. I don't get an answer straight away so I advert my gaze now to Calum, he was looking up at the stars too not even acknowledging that I had asked him a question. "Calum?" I try to get his attention to which he now looks at me. "Why did you bring me out here?" I try asking one more time.

He huffs and then goes to grab a cigarette from his pocket. "I'm going back inside" I declare not wanting to be around him smoking but i'm stopped by his hand grabbing my upper arm.

"Please, don't go" He pleaded in some sort of way. "I'll put it away if it bothers you so much" and that's exactly what he did. I was annoyed now though as I still hadn't got an answer from him, I want to know why he dragged me out here and away from the party my best friend invited me to. I stand still in place crossing my arms across my chest letting him know I'm awaiting his reply to my question. "I don't like parties"

This now had me confused, if he doesn't like them then why is he here? "Why are you here then?" I ask him letting my thoughts aloud and before I knew what was happening he placed his lips onto mine. Calum was kissing me. I kissed back for like a second but he pulled away and then walked away from me and into the party leaving me confused.

I had only just met this guy and know nothing about him, he kisses me like it's not a big deal when in fact it's a massive deal for me.

It took a minute for me to grasp what just happened and then I tried to run after him, he can't kiss me and then just leave. I run into the party and there was no sight of him anywhere.

He had just kissed me and ran.

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