Chapter 1

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The wind whipped my blonde hair in my face taking away my vision, I couldn't see a thing and what made it worse was that I had no idea where I was meant to be going. I was on my way to meet my mother as she ordered me to get out the house on this beautiful Sunday morning.

So here I am, my hair flying about all over the place not knowing where my mother is or where I should be going. Finally deciding to give up fighting with my hair I reach down into my bag trying to find my favourite pink polka dotted scrunchie.

I couldn't multitask at all so looking in my bag whilst walking was a really bad idea. "oh, for fucks sake" I hear a males voice above me that i've accidentally walked into, looking up I noticed the guy was about my age and has now spilled his iced coffee all over him, I think that was my fault.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Shall I buy you another drink? Another top maybe?" I ramble on apologising so much that I was even starting to bug myself let alone the cute guy in front of me. Wait did I just call him cute? I cannot think that right now, I cannot get myself distracted with boys. I have school to worry about, my grades, my friends. I don't have the time for a boyfriend.

The guy hasn't even looked at me yet, he was still trying to get the cold coffee off his shirt that I had made him spill, he grabbed his top and started sucking on it getting rid of the liquid, all that was left now was a stain and a big one that was very clear to see. "Ah that's just fucking great, my favourite top. Just watch where you're going next time alright?!" He snaps and his eyes now look to mine making him drop his top in awe.

It felt like forever, staring into his brown eyes I couldn't help but let myself fall into them. "Where are you going babe? You seem lost" He asks taking me out of my trance and I now notice the thick American accent he had making him even more attractive to me and that he was now trying to flirt making me blush, I think if my cheeks weren't already pink from the cold weather he'd be sure to see.

I finally pull myself together and pull somewhat of a coherent sentence. "My mum. I'm trying to find my mum, she said she'd meet me in the centre at the Grande Arcade" I'm now mentally slapping myself in the face, could I make myself look more of an idiot?

"Wish I could help ya but i'm new here. The only place I know is the train station and the bus stop" He laughs and my mouth now drops at the hearing of angels singing. Quickly I close my mouth shut and laugh along with him before he notices how much of a weirdo I actually am. "I'm Calum by the way" He now introduces himself holding his hand out for me to shake, hesitantly I grab his quite large hand placing my rather small hand in his and shake it. "So can I get your name babe? Or shall I just stick to calling you babe?" He asks using the term of endearment again making my legs involuntarily shake, luckily he didn't notice.

"Daisy. I'm Daisy" I finally get the courage to tell him my name and even though he told me his name already I forgot it because I was too busy taking in his attractive appearance. Black shoulder length hair, brown eyes that can make any girl melt, tanned skin that had tattoos placed on him making me get a bad boy demeanour from him and a smile to die for. He surely has a girlfriend back at home. "And thanks anyway" I smile showing that i'm grateful for him at least trying.

I receive a smile back from him and this time I feel my heart begin to race, my hands start to clam up and my throat went dry. He was just the definition of perfection. "See you round then?" He asks now pulling out a cigarette from his jean pocket and placing it between his lips. Oh great, he just had to ruin it didn't he? He smokes, that could be the worst thing any guy could do, talk about a complete turn off.

Pulling my face in disgust at him now lighting the cigarette between his lips I now realise that this boy isn't for me, even if he was sculptured like a god. "Eh maybe not. I don't associate myself with smokers".

Calum now pulls his face in amusement at me blowing the smoke in the other direction, to which I am grateful for but I can't stand here any longer in case my mother turns up and sees me with him. "Well then I guess that sucks for you then" He laughs then taps his cigarette getting rid of some ash at the end of it before placing it back in his mouth inhaling the substance that is slowly killing his lungs. His face now comes closer to mine so I can now smell and taste the tobacco from his breath making me pull away from him. "I'll see you in school. Babe"

He now walks off chuckling to himself whilst i'm still stood here trying to grasp my head around what just happened. I pull an incredulous look on my face "Daisy, what were you thinking?" I scold myself then finally tie my hair up with the scrunchie I finally found in the bottom of my bag.

I finally take off in the direction a sign was pointing to the Grand Arcade now feeling stupid that I didn't do that in the first place. I know one thing is for sure, Mum and Dad cannot know about Calum.

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