Chapter 6

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Sunday. The day everyone dreads because they know that tomorrow is Monday when people either go to school or get back to their jobs. At least we have weekends, some adults work on weekends and that makes me feel sorry for them.

Every Sunday I have my normal routine, the one I have always stuck to since I started high school at the age of 12, now it's been that way for 4 years meaning there's no escape from it now.

I wake up, do my toiletry needs and also brush my teeth, put my playlist on from my phone, do very little makeup, pick out my outfit 3 times before I actually decide on something, then get dressed into it and then finally do my hair before I head downstairs to my weird as hell family.

"Hey, what you doing there?" I ask and greet my little sister Lily who was sat at the table in the kitchen on her own.

"Homework" She answers back but doesn't look at me continuing with her piece that she's more interested in.

I start moving around the kitchen making myself a coffee, the daily dose of caffeine i'll need to get through today. "What homework?" I try and make small talk with her again just so there's no silence. I pour milk into the coffee and finish up by stirring it with a spoon then place the spoon in the sink, grabbing my coffee and sitting down at the table next to Lily.

"I have to write about how my summer was" Lily now says frowning slightly, making me look over her shoulder reading some of it, smiling at the sight of my name in it. Turning back around I place my coffee cup in the sink now washing it clean.

I look back to where Lily was sitting but she was nowhere in sight so I left the kitchen too and went back upstairs to my room where I was just going to do absolutely nothing until 6pm when i'll need my shower.

Opening my bedroom door I take big strides in steps before I land myself on my bed stomach first groaning whilst doing so. This nothing to do is going to be boring, I pulled out my phone texting with Emily and Crystal, then checked all of my social medias until there was nothing there to check. It was official, Sundays are the worst.

I couldn't remember falling asleep so when I open my eyes to a dark room the only source of light coming from the moon reflecting into my room makes me confused why I've actually woke up, I could've sworn I heard something which is why I had woken up from my dream, maybe it was actually just from my dream.

Rubbing my eyes I check the time on my phone next to me, 7:42pm. Shit. How did I sleep so long? Has everyone ate food without me? Where even has mum and dad been all day? I thought they would have at least checked up on me, guess not. I go to stand up and leave my room but I'm stopped in my tracks from a sound, to be more specific something hitting my bedroom window.

I walk over to my bedroom window looking out of it and there stood at the bottom, standing on my lawn was Calum. Great. How did he even know where I live? I quickly push open the window looking down at him, he was in his black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. "What are you doing here? How do you even know where I live?" I rush out the questions dying to know why his presence is at my house.

"Crystal gave me your address, and i'm here because we need to talk. You busy?" Calum explains himself and asks me. I thought about it but then mentally scolded myself for even thinking about it, what does he even need to talk about anyway? Before I could ask him that question he had already beaten me to it, as if he knew that I was going to ask that question. "The kiss at the party, please let's talk"

I shut the window not wanting to hear anything else, I didn't want to talk about the party or the kiss, as far as I'm aware it didn't even happen, it meant completely nothing. Pacing around my room just thinking of ways I could avoid Calum at school my door opened interrupting me and my thoughts.

"Honey, food is ready" My dad pops his head around the door frame then goes to leave but once again his head is back in my doorway "Oh and you have a visitor" He says and i'm now left confused but also scared that it could be Calum as he was just stood outside our house minutes ago.

Hesitantly walking downstairs making my way into the kitchen I gasp in fright, why lord why? Why did my gut instincts always have to be right? It was in fact Calum and he was stood with my parents in the middle of our kitchen having a conversation with them, none of them noticing that I was now stood here taking all of this in. Why would Calum come into my house? Why would he even come to my house? He must be crazy.

"Oh good dear, you're here" My mother finally takes notice of me stood before them, "Your friend Calum here came by to see you" She smiles at me and then at Calum. All the time I've kept him away from my parents and kept him a secret and he just ruins that by turning up here. That's all of my effort gone to waste.

Calum now looks at me with hopeful eyes. "Can we please talk?" He pleads with me and with my mothers and fathers attention on us I couldn't say no right now, he has me trapped and I hate him for it.

"Sure" I finally give in and turn away signalling for him to follow me up to my room. My father tries to stop us making me turn around. "It's just to talk dad, don't worry" then without another word said to my parents, me and Calum head upstairs to my room.

I hate how this has just happened. Calum Bennett is in my freaking bedroom.

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