Chapter 8 "The Bad Girl's Friend"

Start from the beginning

"Are you serious right now, are you seriously kicking me out?" She said with a shaky voice.

I can see her eyes getting watery. But she can save them tears. No one ever try's to play me.

"You kicked yourself out. Bye bye now." I wave her off.

She stood rooted where she was at.

"I don't know what the hell has gotten into you, but if I cant sit here and try to tell you how the situation makes me feel than maybe we don't need to be friends. I'm tired of you throwing me to the wolves when I don't say or do something you don't like. The shit is a dub and Racheal," She says as she turns to look at her, "Your just as bad as she is if you can sit there and keep quiet about it. You know what she did was wrong." She continues. And with that, she grabbed her things and rushed out my room.

"Someone needs to get laid." Rachael says breaking the silence after Jasmine stormed off.

I watched the door, where she just left out of in complete bewilderment. I never seen jasmine act like that before. Something must be going on with her or maybe she really was upset about the whole situation.

She didn't need to worry about me though. I already told her Blake was over it and decided to spare me so I don't know why she was so worried about me or even the situation. 

"I wasn't going to say anything but I actually saw her talking to Ana."

The mention of Ana's name brought my attention back to Rachel quickly.

"What did you say?" 

I heard her loud and clear.

"Yea, Jasmine. Yesterday I saw her with Ana. They were at Starbucks coming out together."

"Why the hell would she be talking to Ana, why the hell would Ana be talking to her?"

She shrugged. "I'm Just the messenger." She says as she gets up and sits next to me on my bed to begin lighting up the blunt I just rolled.

Jasmine's little outburst got me thinking about if that now had anything to do with Ana.

"Why she didn't say anything to me about that?" I asked myself out loud.

Knowing that bit of piece of information was making my blood boil. 

I was half tempted to pick my phone up and call her but I opt out. 

"Don't think to much on it. You know she will be crawling on her knees back to you."

I rolled my eyes at that statement. "I really don't care."

I took the bottle of whiskey and chugged down a mouthful. The burning feeling ran down my throat strongly. 

I spent the rest of my afternoon in my room smoking and drinking with Racheal.

The sound of my phone going off woke me straight up. I grabbed it from beside me and seen it was 12 at night.

Why the hell was Josh calling me so damn late?

"hello?" I said after I cleared my throat.

"Hi beautiful, I wake you?" His deep voice filled my ears.

I turned myself over laying down on my back. "What do you want."

He laughed. "I want some of you, let me come get you, ill drop you off at school in the morning."

I thought hard about it. Even though I was tired, the mention of fucking instantly had me alert. After everything that has happen, Im in need for some release and Josh knows how to pleasure me fully.

"Im to tired right now. Maybe tomorrow, I call you then ok." I say.

Even though I wanted to have my way right now with him, my body was aching badly and I really was tired.

"Tired? Since when that stopped you from getting a good fuck."

I groaned loudly through the phone. "Since today asshole."

"You must be fucking someone knew, i haven't had you in a minute."

"You know your not the only one i mess with Josh." I reminded him

"Don't get smacked Chasity. I'm the only one you should and need to be coming to if you need to let out some frustration."

"Ill see you tomorrow." I say before i hang up the phone on him.

I was to tired to talk and was ready to sleep.

Its been almost 4 weeks since the incident with Blake barging into my car, an almost about the same time since i fucked him. Blake has been the last person i messed with. And to make matters worse, i cant stop thinking about that night.

I want more of him and i want to fuck him again, but i know that will never happen. I find myself occasionally watching that Cd he gave me and cant help but to imagine me messing with him again. I haven't seen him since our conversation in the car and he made it loud and clear he wanted nothing to do with me.

I never had someone test my sexual peak like that before. Even under the influence was he a major freak, i can only imagine how he be if he wasn't under. Mr school boy defiantly has another side to him than what he leads on.

And then there's the whole Jasmine confrontation. I need to definitely get to the bottom of that and find out why she was with Ana. The thought was making me mad but sleep was calling my name.

Sorry for any grammar or misspellings! This is a rough copy and WILL NOT be edited until the book is finished!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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