Chapter 18

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After the Jinkyong confess, Hoseok sat in the Hufflepuff common room as everyone celebrated their victory. He's worried about Jinkyong. He really didn't mean to say that. As Hoseok was in deep thought, he didn't notice Himari walking to him and sat next to him. "Everything okay?" Himari asks her fellow Hufflepuff. "No" Hoseok mumbles as he keeps staring at the floor. "Worried about Jinkyong?" Himari asks him. "If you saw it why do you ask" Hoseok said as Himari can see the future. "I prefer you saying it than my vision doing them" Himari said as she place a hand on his shoulder. "Tell me, Himari, would this cause a problem on Jinkyong future?" Hoseok asks her. "Absolutely not, this will only bring her closer to her future husband" Hoseok looks at the Japanese girl. "What?" Himari looks around making sure no known is listening. "Jinkyong future husband is in this school and is from high status. Her in this state will make him be closer to her and protecting her more" Himari said to him. "That half good but is our friendship ruined?" Hoseok asks her. "No" Himari said and Hoseok sigh in relief. "That good" Himari smiles as she pat his shoulder before leaving him alone.

"Prince! I'm getting closer!" A young boy turn around as he heard someone whisper in the wind. He felt it like that person was near. He shook his head as he continued to walk around the school ground to clear his head. "Be prepare, Prince, all the pureblood will have a huge feast until they no longer wish to eat" The prince stop walking as he search for the voice. "Get out of my head!" He grumbles as he cover his ears. "Aww little prince is angry. Why don't you tell mommy and daddy? Oh wait! They're dead" the voice mock the prince and then laugh as the prince falls to the ground. "SHUT UP!" The prince shouted but soon came to face with Jia. "Cousin, are you okay?" she asks him and the prince calm down. He knee down and hugs her. "No" he mumbles as she hugs him back. The two royals hugs as the shadow disappear.

Yui watch Jinkyong finally sleep as the older Gryffindor hugs her pillow. Zoey and Elenek sat in the floor watching Yui moves Jinkyong bang away from her face. "What could have Hoseok said to make her cry like they broken up?" Zoey asks softly to the two girls. "I don't know, but whatever it was I will get information from my brother" Yui said as she stood up. "Punch him for me" Zoey said and Yui raise an eyebrow at the Slytherin girl. "I won't use violence" Yui said as she left. "He deserve it for making Jinkyong cry" Zoey mumbles as Elenek shook her head as they stood up.

Yui return to the dorm and search for Hoseok. She spotted him in a corner in a chair looking down at his feet. Yui approach him and tap his shoulder. Hoseok looks up and quickly stood up. "Is Jinkyong okay?" Hoseok ask Yui as he hope she is. "She fell asleep but what happen? She didn't tell us. All she did was cry" Yui said to him. Hoseok sigh and grab Yui wrist before dragging her out the room. They went outside and sat down by the small river that the Hufflepuff garden has. Hoseok sigh before speaking. "She confess to me. She told me she likes me but I thought it was a joke and I regret it" Yui stare at him. "I didn't know she liked you" Yui said as she always thought it was Lee Hoseok but she was wrong. "I didn't have a clue either until today. We made a bet and I told her that if I win, she get to confess to the guy she likes which I thought it was Lee Hoseok" Hoseok said as he began to pick on the grass and throws bit to the flowing river. "Talk to her tomorrow and tell her it a misunderstanding" Yui told him. "I was planing on doing that" Hoseok said as he turn to Yui. Hoseok shiver and looks behind him.

He scan the dark area. He felt sick with the feeling of someone watch him. Yui looks were he was looking. "Are you okay?" Yui ask him as Hoseok shook his head. "Yeah, let go inside" Hoseok said as he stood up and help Yui. They walk back as someone in the trees evilly laugh as it ate a cake.


Namjoon walk around the school the next day to go to the library. As he walks he saw Himari sitting under a tree as she had her eyes closed. She was breathing gently as her back was lean on the tree. He saw some bully going to annoy her, and he quickly went over. He took his wand out and send a glare at them.

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