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In the Changdeokgung Palace, everyone was celebrating the birth of a prince that Queen Youngae gave birth to a couple of days ago. Everyone finally is at peace now that the royal heritage won't fall. The king and queen admire the beautiful baby boy that sleeps peacefully in his mother's arms. "Knock knock," they called out from the door. The queen and king turn to see the King's brother smiling at them. "Hello, brother! How was Romania?" The king asks as he pulls his brother in for a hug. "You know, amazing as always. That dragon sure takes my breath away every time I check-in," The king's brother told him as he pulled away from the hug. "Hello, Queen Youngae," Jun greeted the queen. "Want to hold your nephew?" she asks him. "I sure would love too" The queen handed him the prince. "My Merlin heavens! He's so small" Jun reacted to how small his nephew was in his arm. The baby soon began to smile a little bit. "Aw, he smiles!" Jun cues at him. "Have you picked a name for him yet?" Jun question his brother and sister-in-law. "No, we haven't," Queen answered for him. Before Jun answered and explosions were heard a few feet away from them.

Before they can react to what is going on, Marla, an evil witch, appears in the royal bedroom. She had a wicked smile playing on her lips. The king took out his wand quickly and pointed at her as he hid the queen behind him. Jun step back, hiding the baby from the view. "Is that how you greet your sister?" Marla jokes as she walks around the room. Jun tiptoes away from sight until Marla blocks his path with vines from her wand. "Not so fast! You and the baby stay!" Marla screams, making the baby cry.

"What do you want?!" the king question her. "Your death, the royal family, will end today! Starting with that child!" Marla stated as she glared at the king. Queen came out behind the king and blocked the view of the prince. "You will not touch our child!" She glares at Marla. Marla gave a sinister laugh. "You stupid Mogul! (muggle) You have no power to defeat me!" Marla pointed her wand at her. "DON'T POINT YOUR WAND AT MY WIFE!" The king yells.

A green light flashes. Jun saw that his brother was killed. Jun quickly handed the child to Youngae. "Run! I'll distract her!" Jun told her. Queen went to the secret door as Marla was walking to her. Jun block her path, throwing some spells. "You'll have the same fate as your brother!" Marla yells. Jun heard the door close, and he began to throw the most illegal spell out there.

Queen runs to the tunnel calming down her son. They reach the end of a forest. She runs and runs until she comes to a river. "I'm sorry, my child! I'm so sorry!" She whispers to him. She quickly hides in a cave and makes a letter to her son and the people that will take care of him.

She continued to run until she arrived when her husband told her. She opens the door and places him down. "Please be safe" Queen kissed him and placed two letters on the baby blankets. She shut the door as tears rolled down her face. She put her head against the door and thought of where she wanted to send him. A home where he'll be safe and protected with someone the queen trusts her entire life.

She moved her head, and when she turned around, she saw Marla. "Where the child?" Marla questioned as she pointed the wand at her. "Somewhere you can never find him," Youngae told her as tears rolled down her face. "Tell me where the baby is, and I'll spare you" Marla made a deal. "Over my dead body!" Queen yells. "Your mistake. Now join the royal family!" Marla lifted her wand and spouted the most unforgivable spell ever.

A woman heard crying as she walked around her house, getting ready to visit her friend and her new first son. She searches for the cries until she opens the closet of her bedroom. She gasps at the sight of the baby with the letter attached. She picks the baby up and places him on her bed with two pillows. She notices the royal blanket wrap around him. She quickly opens the letter address to her.

She began to cry as she dropped the letter. She kisses the baby boy's head as she whispers her friend's name repeatedly. She knew that she would raise him on her own.

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