Chapter 14

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The next day, all the muggle born began to wake up with their parent by their side. Only a few were affected. Yui sit up and saw Hoseok parent beside her. "Oh thanks Merlin, you're okay!" the woman hug Yui. "What happen? All I remember was the dragon and the sky red and everything turn dark" Hoseok mother pull back. "We don't know what happen either but all muggleborn have fainted. Even your friend Yoongi" Yui turn to her left and saw him in the hospital bed with his mother by his side brushing the hair off his forehead as he sleeps. Yui began to look around and spotted a few familiar muggleborn. "Marla began to attack. The school has asks for more security due that she might send someone to sneak in" Yui nodded as she look at Hoseok mom. "When can I leave? I was going to met with my cousin today" Yui said as she wanted to get off the hospital bed. Hoseok mom gently push her back to the bed. "Yui, he will be coming to you. The auror told his adoptive parent the situation and are sending him here to you. You are his only blood relative, he has more privileges than us. Dawon is bringing him here with an auror" Yui nodded and relax.

In the left side, Yoongi began to wake up. He saw his mother smiling down at him. "Mom" he was quickly pull in a hug. "I thought I lost you like your father and brother" Yoongi relax and hug her back. "I'm sorry" He whisper to her. "You don't need to apologize. You just fainted. I know you always take care of yourself" Yoongi nodded and saw Yui beside him talking to her foster parent. Yoongi mom broke the hug. "I'm glad your safe" Yoongi gave her his famous gummy smile. "What happen last night?" His mom brush his hair as she answer "I don't sweetie". Yoongi only remember was watching Jinkyong that stare at the tree in full admiration when the scene turn red and everything turn dark. He sigh as he lay back down. He knows it pointless arguing with his mother if he tried to get out bed.

Taehyung went on a small mission in search for a certain Hufflepuff that might have a answer. He knows he can tell him what the dragon said. The dragon spoke and he know it; and that boy understood what he said.

Taehyung spotted the Hufflepuff boy with princess Jia, Jungkook and two more students. "Chan" The hufflepuff boy turn and saw Taehyung approach them. The other turn as well. Taehyung stop in front of them. "What did the dragon say?" Taehyung asks him. Chan began to shake. "The dragon spoke?" Jungkook asks as he turn to a Ravenclaw, very handsome (Jin competition) named Dongmin. He shrug in answer. "Did it warned about Marla?" Taehyung asks him. "No" Chan told him honestly. "Then what did it warned about?" Jia asks him. "Sin" Chan answer and Taehyung began to think. "Thank you!" With that Taehyung left.

The Gryffindor boy, named Woojin, turn to Chan. "What about the sin?" He asks as they sat in the grass. "Sin? Could it be the seven deadly sin?" Jia thought outloud. "Seven sin? Why are they deadly" Jungkook asks her. "Yes, seven. Lust, Gluttony, Wrath, sloth, envy, greed and the worst one, pride. I read about them in a Magic History book of Italy. They are curse witches and wizard. They went against the Roman gods. Which made them curse. I am think Lust was here tonight. Her particular trick is charming people and probably have sexual need with them but I guess she made them faint. She must have talk to the muggleborn" Jia said as she show her Ravenclaw side. "Could it be that Marla got them on her side and sent Lust to quickly identify all the muggle born to find out where the prince. I mean, she knows the other royal but she won't stop until she killed the prince" Chan pointed out. "That mean her target might be the pureblood! She only need to know who are half-blood" Woojin said to them. "Then she won't check Slytherin because there has never been a Slytherin in the family" Jia said. "Chan, are you a half-blood?" Chan nodded. "Jungkook?" The slytherin boy shook his head. "Woojin?" Shook his head no. "Dongmin?" He also nodded. "We must tell the headmistress this" Dongmin said as the other agree. "I will tell her. My father requested me and my cousin" Jia stood up and brush off her skirt. "Be safe" She nodded and left her friends.


The news spread quickly about Marla attack that many began to worry about the children safety but in conclusion an auror has inform Marla hasn't been spotted that night or any follower. They told the public that the dragon zodiac was to much for the muggleborn that cause them to faint.

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