Chapter 16

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In Marla hiding place, the deadly sin were talking in pride room. Making a plan to eliminate Marla.

"Why don't we just kill her? She already making me angry by her stupid plan of revenge" Wrath said as he examen an apple. He soon he throw it to the fire place. "We can't kill her yet! We need her. Thanks to Lust to find someone so full of sin we are free" Pride said as he stare at himself in the mirror. Envy was reading a book he stole from Marla room and found something interesting. "Look at this" Envy smirk as he look at his fellow sin. They all walk over and Pride took the book. He began to read. "So her plan will fail. She even knows it. Her faith is like her brother descendent" Pride smirk as he reads the title of the book.

Marla Slytherin Diary


Yui sat in the library reading a history book for her History of Magic essay. Professor Bang wanted an essay on any event the student wants. Yui decided to write about the school founding. She reads the books and other documents that has been written on that time. As she reads a document she found something interesting. Her eyes widen. She close the book and check it out.

She gather all her friends and show them the book. "You called us for a book?" Yoongi question her. Jinkyong reads the title. "Hogwarts of Asia biggest pride" Namjoon reads out loud. "This school had wizard and witches with extra power" Yui said as she shakes. She read her power was there. Fire that burns witches and wizard. Taehyung got up and took the book. He sat down again and reads. "Awesome" Hoseok said as he wonder what power. "It scary Hoseok. Not awesome. There was a wizard that can burn witches and wizard. A fire giving by the royal dragon. There also someone that can shake the earth to even create a hole that can devour millions. Someone that created a wind that can clean an entire forest without a trace of a tree" Yui said to them. "There was also someone that can talk to animals" Taehyung pointed out as he looks up. "Huh?" Everyone turn to him. "Like Bang Chan? Like Chan ability" Jin said mentioning the young Hufflepuff. "Yeah, her fake identity was Kang Haehyun. Her real name was Seo Yunsook" Taehyung said as he passes the page of the book. "How come you aren't in Ravenclaw? And How did you know that!?" Jimin question his best friends. "Document of the houses builders. Hufflepuff house was build by her with the descendent of Helga Hufflepuff" Taehyung said as he looks at them. "Really? Why aren't you a Ravenclaw?" Jinkyong asks him.

Taehyung just shrugged as he continued to read the book. "Okay, so they had abilities. Why you calls us to tell us that" Yoongi said to her. "I call you because they are connected to Marla. Marla is actually a spirit right now! Searching for her body. She might took the princess body to get revenge" Yui stated her hypothesis. Namjoon thought for a bit. "You are probably right. We need to investigate a bit to tell the authorities with evidence without leaving the school protection ground" Namjoon said to them. "I'll help" Hoseok and Yoongi said at the same time. "Count me in on helping!" Jinkyong said as she smile. "Same here" Jin, Taehyung and Jimin said to Yui. The muggleborn smile at them. "Then let bring Marla down before she set foot on the school" Yui said.


Many years ago before Hogwarts of Asia was finish completely. A young woman with male clothes as arrived to China escaping Josean. She breath as she sat down in a bamboo forest just near a little village. She grateful to manage escaping the royal guards by taking a boat on that takes her to China. She knows she can't play as a man for much longer. In a few months her stomach will grow for people to notice she isn't a man. She has a feeling that her country king will send a message to the Chinese Emperor to be on the look out for her. A witch.

She heard a twig snap and she turn to see a foreigner. A woman with black long hair and beautiful blue eyes starring at her. "Are you okay?" The woman spoke in a strange language but surprisingly, she understood her. The woman dress in a man clothes, shook her head. "Come with me and let me prepare you food" the woman with dark hair blue eyes said to her. The woman extended her hand for her to take. She accepted with a bit of hesitation.

The foreign woman guided her to a house. It was small but the woman was impressed when she enter. It was enormous and has thousand of books and doors. "Magic" the josean woman mumbles as she stood in the center looking at the house. "You're magical too?" the foreign woman asks her as she went to the kitchen that the josean woman follow. "Yes" the josean woman answer. "I knew it! I'm Marla Slytherin and you are?" the foreign woman introduced herself. "Seo Yunsook but please call me Kang Haehyun. I'm being chase" the josean woman said as she took a seat at the weird chair she never seen before. "Are being chased because you're a witch like me?" Marla asks her as she prepare tea and snack for her to eat. "Yeah and because I slept with a princes when he was supposed to marry someone" Yunsook said as she observed her. "Muggles! I hate them sometimes" Marla said as she moves her hand with a wand in hand. "Muggle?" Yunsook tilted her head in confusion. "Non-magical people" Marla said as she made a tea set float to the table in front of Yunsook. She poured the green tea and place some snack. "Eat" Marla said as she sat in front of her. Yunsook took it and began to eat.

The house door open and bunch of people enter. Yunsook got scared when she saw a josean man. "Yunsook, it okay! Heejun is harmless, well kinda" Marla said and made a joke at the end. "Haha funny" the josean man said as he turn to Yunsook. "You are from Josean?" Yunsook nodded at him. "Then you are safe here. The emperor has given this area for his son that is just like us. Magical. Even if the Josean king want us, he can't get us" the man said to her as he slowly approach her. Yunsook calm down and smile. "We are building a school here" Marla told her. "A school?" Yunsook looks confused. "A school for witches and wizard. A place where they can learn magic and feel safe. For now it can be any ages but in the future will be children" A chinese man said as he smile at Yunsook. "Thanks to the emperor contacting this wizards and witches from Europe to build and teach for a bit" A woman said as she approach them and sat across from them. "How come I can understand you?" Yunsook asks them. "Magic" Marla said as she smile at her. Yunsook smiles at her. "Now eat" Marla encourages her to eat.

Four days had pass and Yunsook has gotten familiar with the magical life. She learn magic from Marla. She help the other foreign build along with the other magical refugees from different part of Asia. She learned magic and even got a wand. She didn't need to hide that in fact she a woman but told many that spread the word in cases they are after her that she's a man.
Yunsook has gotten close to Marla. They made a strong friendship. 

Marla and Yunsook sat down in a river with the waterfall. Marla lay down watching the blue sky. "I can't believe that little Gryffindor took this area! Just because he's the stronger one. Then Shing agree with him. Slytherin can be strong too" Marla rants. "I agree. Even Hufflepuff can be strong" Yunsook said as she defended the house she's sorted. "I can't believe the hat I made sorted you in Hufflepuff" Marla sit up as Yunsook laugh. "I like my house plus Lucy Hufflepuff is a sweet girl" Marla agrees with her. "Yeah I guess the house does suit you" Marla said to her. "GIRLS!" Heejun runs up with a bright smile on his face. The two girls look up. "YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!" Both girls look at each other and runs up to the Ravenclaw boy.

He guided them to a tree. "I feel magic in the tree" He said to her as they approach the Cherry bloosom tree. Marla stop and approach the tree and touch it. "I also feel magic in it" Marla said as the other arrived. "I have an idea!" Marla snap her finger and turn to the others. "En lighten us" Robin Ravenclaw said as he waited for her to talk. "Instead of a hat to sort, why not a tree? Make this school unique and different than our great grandparents made their school" Marla told them. "THAT FANTASTIC! We can make the sorting ceremony here! Make it under real stars" Lucy said supporting her friend idea. "We can place Chinese lanterns to lighten a bit the students" Shing added. "We can make a long table just for them to seat. Four tables. Each one of a house" Noah Gryffindor said to them. "The professor table can be on this side" Robin said to them. "Those are lovely ideas!" Yunsook said praising them and Heejun agrees. "This school will be a place for memories that children will get excited to go and sad to leave" Marla said to them as she smiles. "This school will be fantastic once we finish" Heejun said to them.

They began to build and build. Marla had casted a spell for the tree to sort people. Lucy suggested to celebrate that day with a tree ceremony for student to dress up in fancy clothes and just have fun. Robin had finish preparing the library and teaching Yunsook to read along with other students.

Lucy had finish building the kitchen and the dining area. She brought house elf to cook and provides (she even sneak snack for them to eat in their break after a heated argument with them to agree).

It was finally time to welcome people to learn. For kids to feel safe and wanted in the wizarding world.

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