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First year, Middle school on their second term. Akashi and Kuroko first met each other. It wasn’t anything like love at first sight. It was just a simple meeting between two different people. One, was an overly rich, a genius and a natural leader while the other one was the kid that was always left out due to his unbelievably low presence.
It was a fateful rainy night.

Akashi Seijuro just got out of school and was waiting for his driver would pick him up when something or rather someone caught his attention. If it wasn’t for his sharp instinct, he wouldn’t be able to see the other boy carrying a puppy. He stared at the two for a while, amusing himself on how the seems quite a like. The two were standing under the shed, seemingly waiting for the rain to stop.

Seemingly, the boy probably perceived that someone was staring at him. He looked over; meeting Akashi in the eye. The boy nodded in his direction. The emotionless face of the boy as he nodded at him alongside with the tilt of the head of the little puppy on his arms earned a small smile from Akashi.

Just as he decided to talk to the other boy, his driver came to get him.

“Young Master,” The driver, with his umbrella open, approached Akashi.
Akashi got into the car, but as the driver was closing the door, he stopped him and gave him his umbrella. “Give this to him.”

“Him?” The driver asked. “You are alone there, young master.”

“I was not.” Akashi refuted. “The boy is holding a puppy.”

The driver turned to look and there he saw the boy his young master was talking about. To say that he wasn’t afraid was not true but he can’t show any weakness to the future owner of Akashi Conglomerate. After a moment, he respectfully bowed at his young master and closed the door. He adopted the most cautious method he had to approach the ghostly boy.

“Excuse me, young lad.”

Kuroko looked at the man, not expecting the other to talk to him. He knows how invisible he is to other people that’s why it’s quite surprising to be talked to on a rainy day. “Good evening, mister.”

“My young master wanted me to give this to you.” The man said as he pass the umbrella on his hand to Kuroko.

“Young master?” Kuroko looked at the car and saw the red haired kid still looking at him. He gave the red haired man a nod as he accepted the umbrella.

“Take care, young lad.” The driver then left, reporting to his young master and drives off.

“Nigou, the Akashi Seijuuro lend us his umbrella.” Kuroko told his dog.



Few months after…

“Good morning, Aomine-kun.”

“Fuck! Stop appearing out of nowhere, Tetsu!”

“I’ve been here longer than you.” Kuroko answered. “It’s quite amazing you managed to get up early, Aomine-kun.”

“Akashi ordered.” Aomine answered irritably.

“Akashi-kun must be have a quite a big announcement to force Aomine-kun to attend morning assembly.” Kuroko stated.

“What the fuck does that supposed to mean, huh, Tetsu?”

“Tetsu-chan was right! Akashi-san won’t do this normally!” Momoi agreed. “Oh, it’s already starting!”

The morning assembly went on as normal but somehow, Kuroko could feel that Akashi had been staring at him all the time. Even Aomine and their friends could feel Akashi’s strangeness and they can’t but look at their Phantom friend.

Kise had a bad feeling. When Kuroko rejected him, the bluenette admitted to him that he had someone else he likes. At first, he thought that the someone that Kuroko has feelings for is Aomine resulting to him challenging the other man over and over again despite being defeated every single time. But then, once, he caught Kuroko staring at someone else. Someone that he knew he could never go against.

Akashi. Their sadistic captain.

Aomine is also on the same boat. He had a hunch about what Akashi was about to do. It might be crazy but their Captain is the epitome of crazy. He wanted to stop it. But what can he do? He wants his best friend to be happy. Even if that happiness does not include him.

Finally, Akashi went up the podium.
He first talks about what a model student should talk about. Mentioning something like their upcoming basketball tournament. Afterwards, he paused for a while, and started the real reason why he was standing in front of the whole school at this very moment.

“The things I would be saying from now does not have anything to do with how a student should be. This is personal but I hope to make all of you a witness to what I am about to say.” Akashi said. “When I first started studying here, all I have on my mind is how to be the best. How to be on top of everything I do. How to be someone never bested by anyone else. I always believe that everything is all about winning. But then, my belief was changed when I met this person. He made me realize that everyone else got their on potential. That we should never limit someone based on what we could see.” Akashi then looked at where Kuroko is and smiled gently and lovingly. He took the microphone from the stand and started walking down the stage to here Kuroko is. “He never failed to amaze me. Everything he does made me look at him.” He stopped a few feet away from Kuroko. “Everything you do makes me fall for you more. Kuroko Tetsuya, I like you. Will you go out with me?”

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