Chapter 5: Give up.

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Kuroko has been living with Aomine for a week now. Every day is a roller coaster for them.

Every day is full of emotions for them.

If Kuroko wasn't crying, he's just passing his time staring at nothing.

But today is something new. Kuroko is busy with something and Aomine was gonna get to the bottom of this.

"Where are you going, Tetsu?" Kuroko didn't even spare a glance at Aomine and just went on preparing the documents that he needed. "Tetsu, I'm asking you, where are you going?" He asked again, his tone saying that he's already getting impatient and irritated with the way the other man was acting. Seeing that Kuroko won't still give him an answer, he approached him and grabbed the ultrasound copy that the other man is holding. "What's this? What are you planning to do with this?"

"I'm showing it to Akashi-kun." Kuroko answered as he grabbed the picture back.

"Do you think that showing him a fake ultrasound would make him want to stay with you?"

"Who said that it was fake?" Kuroko deadpanned. His emotions are bordering from anger because of being doubted and sadness because the other man kept on stopping him.

"Are you... are you saying that you're pregnant?" Aomine asked in disbelief.

Kuroko refused to answer. Instead, he grabbed his keys and take the chance to use his little to nothing existence to get away from Aomine. He succeeded. In just a few minutes he's already out and about and was already running and hailing a cab to get to where he and Akashi once live.



"What are you doing here, Tetsuya?" Akashi asked sternly. He was really surprised when he saw Tetsuya storming into their living room, demanding to talk to him. "Have you forgotten that this is not your house anymore?"

"I wanted to talk to you, Akashi-kun."

"I don't think we still have something we needed to talk about."

"There is!" Kuroko raised his voice. "Here! Look at this!" He took out everything inside the envelope and show it to Akashi. "Look! I'm pregnant! I'm three months pregnant, Akashi-kun!"

Akashi sighed. "I can't deal with your nonsense now, Tetsuya." He gently massaged his temple as his face is painted with exasperation over his ex. "Kouki's already-"

"What do you mean nonsense?! Take a look at this!" Kuroko, by this time, is already consumed by anger. "I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant with your child!"

Akashi's gaze suddenly sharpened. "My child? Are you sure that the child inside you is mine?" He asked. His voice full of anger.

Kuroko stilled. Not sure why the man in front of him is asking him of this. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Of course it's yours. I've only dated you, Akashi-kun."

"And you expect me to believe you?" Akashi laughed sarcastically. "This is getting ridiculous. You better leave now before I drag you out, Kuroko."

Kuroko's visibly shaken from hearing Akashi calling him by his surname. It's like they reverted back to being stranger and everything that they've been through together was nothing. Nothing at all. "B-But I'm pregnant... I'm pregnant with your child... Why, why won't you believe me?"

"For two reasons. I think that you're just faking this pregnancy and second, I don't believe this child is mine."

"Are you...Are you implying that I cheated on you?"

"Look. I don't have time for this." He grabbed Kuroko's arm and guides him out the door. "Leave."

"No! Let's talk about this!"

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