Chapter 20: Taiyou and his GrandPa part 2

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Kuroko and MIdorima went down after a few minutes. Kuroko was now the one carrying Taiyou’s walker and Midorima’s carrying Taiyou. They were talking lowly to each other as they walk towards Akashi-san who were talking to an elderly couple that’s also part of the Akashi family.

“Will you be leaving already?” Masaomi asked.

“Yes, I wanted to stay for a while longer but I really need to leave. I have an operation in an hour and it would be totally unprofessional of me to not be there on time.” Midorima answered. “I’ll be leaving Taiyou and Kuroko on your care, Akashi-san. I trust that nothing bad would happen to him while I’m away.”

“You can leave them to me.” Masaomi answered.

“Put down the walker.” Miodrima then gave Taiyou back to Kuroko. “Protect your mother, okay?” He kissed Taiyou’s forehead. “I’m going.” He told Kuroko.

“We’ll wait for you.” Kuroko answered as he accompanied Midorima to the entrance. 

Midorima left the villa.

“Tetsuya, what is this walker for?” Masaomi asked in hopes of making Tetsuya comfortable being left alone.

“Taiyou is already starting to walk so Midorima-kun bought him a walker.” Tetsuya answered as he put Taiyou down on his walker. “He loves walking around.” Taiyou looked up his mommy before he stood up and started moving around.

“Taiyou’s just eight months old, isn’t he?” Masaomi asked as his eyes followed his grandson that’s happily walking around.

“His development is quite fast.” Tetsuya answered.

Taiyou stopped walking in front of a middle aged lady. Kuroko recognized her as one of the aunties that was rooting for him and Akashi. She was not yet here earlier, so she probably had just arrived.

“Oh… Who’s this young man?” The lady asked. “Whose child are you, little boy? Are you perhaps Seiji? Look at you… You look so much alike as your father, Seijuuro.”

“He’s not Seiji. That little one is Taiyou.” Masaomi answered. “He’s Tetsuya’s son.”

The middle aged lady looked up. “Tetsuya! Oh my Tetsuya!” She quickly approached Tetsuya to give him a hug. “Oh my, you’ve become more beautiful than the last time I saw you!” She cupped Tetsuya’s face.

“It’s nice seeing you again, baa-chan.” Kuroko politely greeted the lady.

“Likewise, likewise.” The middle aged lady happily said. “Masaomi, you didn’t tell me that Tetsuya would be here as well. And look at this baby…” She looked back towards Taiyou who was busy walking around. “…he looks so much like Seijuuro when he was still a baby. Taiyou, right? Such a fitting name for an Akashi.”

“He’s Kuroko Taiyou.” Kuroko corrected. “He is my son.”

The middle aged lady looked at Masaomi but Masaomi just shake his head. “His Tetsuya’s son. Just his alone.”

“That’s…” The middle aged lady looked over to where Seijuuro was seated, intently watching them and listening to their conversation. “Is it because… you’re already not together with my nephew?”

“…I have nothing to do with Akashi-kun.” Kuroko politely said. “I and my son are in no way related to him.”

“…..” The middle aged lady closed her eyes and sighed deeply. But a smile was already on her face when she opened her eyes. “I see... I understand.”

“Thank you, baa-chan.” Kruoko smiled as he looked at the middle aged lady.

The middle aged lady approached Taiyou, She crouched down elegantly to meet the baby on his eye level. “Hi there Taiyou.”

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