[7:] Chaz Bono

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Maddie's P.O.V.

Although I haven't admitted it, I've been missing Gunner like crazy.

He was never found, it's sad to say. He escaped last year.

Jen feels bad, of course and repeats what Karen had once told me, “Cheer up, Maddie, we'll find him.”

“It's been over a year, Jen!” I snap at her without meaning to. “He's gone, and it's all my fault.”

“I know, you're right. I need to do something to make up for this,” she smiled and I wonder why. “I'll be back.”

“Can I come with you?” I didn't want to be home alone, but I guess that could be good for me. Let Jen gain my trust in case I ever wanted to stay home alone.

“No,” Jen replies. “You stay here, I shouldn't be long.”

I given a kiss on the forehead and then she walked out.


Apparently six hours isn't a long time.

I kept pacing in my room back and forth, wondering why she isn't back yet.

I tried calling her, but of course, she didn't answer. Voicemails I thought were useless, I mean, who listens to them anymore?

No amount of watching hours worth of marathons made me worry any less.

I tried to watch TV to try to make time go by faster, but during the commercial breaks, my eyes darted to the nearest clock---which was my phone. Then I'd frown in disappoint-ment because my notifications would be completely empty.

Pretty much sums up my social life.

Julian and Chris have never bothered to contact me during the school year. No quick texts, “How are you, Maddie? or “Maddie, you'll never guess what happened to me! or even just a “Hey, we haven't talked in a while, how've you been?

Not that I bothered to do those things.

I wonder if they knew about my attempt recently.

Whatever, I'll shrug it off. I'll be seeing them soon, anyways.

I'm excited to see them, I wonder if they've changed yet. Theory is, when a person goes to high school, eventually they are going to change. Personality, style, anything really.

As I pace back and forth, I finally hear the jiggling sound of keys being twisted into the lock.

I rushed downstairs---I heard the keys because it's awfully quiet in the house, I turned the volume down so I could hear my thoughts.

Jen was struggling to hold up all of the bags and things she was carrying. I had offered to help, but she pushed me away. Not literally, of course.

“You sure you don't need help with that? You seem to struggling just a tiny bit, Jen.”

“No, I'm good, thanks anyway,” she replies. “Besides, you can't see the surprise.”

That immediately caught my attention. “Surprise? What surprise? Let me see!”

She hauled a large box---at least that's what I think it is, considering the shape and all---and I noticed it was covered with a blanket.

“What's all this?” I question.

“You're surprise, silly,” Jen said. “Prepare yourself for”---she released the blanket for dramatic effect---“our new addition!”

The “new addition” was a small kitten that was asleep.

“It's a. . .cat,” I say flatly. I'm trying really hard to be grateful and appreciative, it's just that dogs were always my thing.

“Don't you just love her?” Jen grinned widely. “Her name's Cleo, but I think it's a little lame, don't you think?”

The cat, or should I say, Cleo, was many different colors, not just plain black or white. There was hints of brown, black and white in her fur.

“Yay,” I try to act excited, but knew I failed. “What are you changing the name to?”

“Chaz Bono.”

“How on earth did you come up with that?” I ask. Out of all possible names for a pet, this is what she chooses.

“I had a lot of time to think. Chaz Bono it is?”

“Uh, sure, if that's what you want.”

I looked at the cat again, it'll be a long time before I get used to this.



“Is that what took you so long?” I ask. “You wanted to get a cat?”

She sat down on one of the stools, where the island is in the kitchen and opened a plastic bag that let out an interesting aroma.

“Well, I wasn't sure what animal to get,” Jen started. “I knew you missed your dog and though you'd like a new pet around the house. I didn't get a dog because, well, I felt like you'd think about your old one.”

I sat down as well and continued to listen.

“There were so many different animals, Maddie! I wish I couldn't taken them all home with me, but I knew only to choose one. I spent a good portion of the time just deciding which animal to get and eventually chose Cleo, well, Chaz Bono now.”

“Can I still call her Cleo? I like the name.”

“She might get confused, but whatever floats your boat.”

“So you're telling you took six hours just deciding which animal to pick?” I ask.

“I also brought dinner,” she answered. “Didn't feel like cooking. Plus, I'm not the greatest chef in the world.”

“You can say that again,” I mumbled to myself, hoping she didn't hear me.

Luckily she didn't, and passed some food around, said grace, and dug in.

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