[36:] Talking

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Jen's P.O.V.

I pull away, breathless.

“Why'd you stop?” Josh complains.

Maddie went back to school already, and the house was spotless, the grass is nicely trimmed, the dishes are done, her room is clean, everything is unpacked. I just have to buy new bedsheets and quilts; she wants a new design for her room. Maddie worked really hard these past few days, and I can't help but feel bad. I tell Josh this.

You came up with that list. What's done is done, you can't change that.”

I sigh and look down into Josh's hazel eyes. “I feel like the worst parent ever. How did our parents do this?”

“It'll take some time to figure all of this out.”

I pecked his lips softly. The two of us were on the couch, kissing, because we had nothing better to do.

“You're right,” I admit. “Why are you so smart? You're one of the smartest guys I know.”

He smiled at my compliment, then kissed me again, more deeply this time.

For a few minutes, we remained like this, then I pulled away again.

He groaned. “What is it?”

“I met that Hillary girl the other day. She was there at the school.”

Josh's eyes widened a bit and allowed me to sit on his lap.

“Yeah, I couldn't believe it, either,” I say. “We were about to leave and then I saw her. At first, I didn't know who she was until Maddie said the girl's name. I think I went crazy.”

Josh chuckled. “What did you say?”

“Well, her parents weren't there, can you believe that? I think it was her sister or something.” Josh sits there, patiently, waiting for me to continue. I love him so much. “So I go up to her and tell her like it is. Saying that she needs to control that Hillary chick. I almost punched the sister in the face. She said she couldn't believe it and said she will take care of it right away. She better, 'cause no one messes with our kids.”

He smiled again, revealing the cutest dimples and flashed off his white teeth.

“It seems like you got everything under control,” Josh says. “Are you going to act like this when the little one comes?” His eyes travel down to my still thin stomach. It'll be a while before I start showing.

“Being a parent changes you, with adopted kids or not, it does. You may not have known them long enough to understand, but when this one comes, I think you will.”

I receive yet another grin and feel my shirt begin to rise. I swatted Josh's hand away, because he was trying to lift it up.

“No, not now. The kids will be coming home soon. I don't want them to see this. When I was a kid, I was traumatized when I saw my parents do this kind of stuff. Maybe later.”



Maddie's P.O.V.

“What happened to you?” I question Hillary when I arrive to school. She had a black eye along with bruises on her arms. Her sleeves didn't cover them enough.

“I got in trouble, 'cause your mother wouldn't keep her mouth shut. I thought we were friends!”

“We are,” I tell her. “Well, now we are. It's just that I told my parents before you decided to apologize.”

She placed her sunglasses on, even though we were indoors. The teacher scolded her, saying she had to take them off. When she did, she kept her head hung low and used her long hair to cover up her face.

“Whatever,” she muttered.


Jen's P.O.V.

“What are you doing?” Josh asks.

“Just looking up stuff,” I answer. I type some more on my laptop.

He tried to peer over and look at the screen, but I didn't let him.

“Okay, you really want to know?” I pause. “Since I'm at five weeks already, I wanted to know what the baby looked like.”

I cannot believe five weeks has passed by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I found out about the news. I told my family, but the one person I didn't tell was:


She my best friend, she attended the wedding, and we literally talk to each other about anything, and yet I hadn't told her the news.

I close my laptop and decide to give her a call.

“Hello?” Laura asks.

“Hey! How've you been?” I ask very enthusiastically.

She gasps. “Jen? Is that you? I didn't look at the caller ID when you called me. I'm fine, how are you Missus Hutcherson?” she teases.

I laughed. “I'm still not used to that.”

I cannot believed you married him! If he doesn't treat you right, let me at 'em.”

“He's fine.” Josh went into the kitchen while I'm eating the weirdest combination ever: pickles and ice cream. Stupid pregnancy cravings. “Be nice, he's a good guy.”

“He better be,” she says. “What have been doing lately? It's like you fell off the face of the Earth and you're just now coming back to me.”

My cheeks redden; I can feel the heat rushing into them. “Think about it, Laura. What do newly married couples do?”

“Um. . .” She thought about it for a short moment. “Oh! I guess you couldn't wait to get to business.

I laugh again. “You're funny.”

“What can I say? I learned from the best. Best meaning you.

I fake cough, just to see if she'll notice that I'm “not feeling well.”

“Jen, you all right? You sound pretty sick over there. Are you okay?”

“I'm not feeling well.” I hint at what I'm about to say.

“Oh, no! Do you have the flu or some kind of virus?”

“I wouldn't call being pregnant a virus,” I muttered. Apparently, she must have heard me because she let out the loudest gasp I've ever heard.

“Are you serious?!” she squealed. “I'm so happy for you! I'm gonna visit you every day and---”

“It's okay, Laura. I can do this on my own. I appreciate it, though.”

“Can I be the godmother?”

Yikes. Didn't see that one coming.

“Uh, I'll have to answer that one later. I just found out recently, don't overwhelm me.”

“Right. Take all the time you need. I hope I'm invited to the baby shower, though.”

She's thinking too far about this. I mean, talking about a baby shower? We haven't even come up with the baby's name!

I guess I need to learn how to talk to people better.

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