"You're not alone, baby.  We're going to do this together.  You and me.  But even if we weren't, you'd be her perfect mother.  Because you ARE her mother.  She knows you.  She loves you, unconditionally, and you'll do the best you can to take care of her."  Harry took a deep breath and pulled Julie into his arms.  Watching her digress back into this unconfident, scared, girl he had first met was unsettling.  She had become such a settled in her ways, know what she wants type of woman lately and he really did almost forget that's not ultimately who she was.  "I love you, Grace loves you, our families love you.  And we will help you whenever you need it.  But I've seen you with her, and you rock the shit out of being a mum.  HER mum, Julie.  Because she is perfect for you."

"You're wrong."  Julie cried into his chest, clenching a fistful of his T-shirt in her hand.  "And I'm so scared she's going to grow up hating me."

"It's not going to happen, my love."  Harry reached over and tucked the swaddled blanket further under Graces chin and laid back with Julie on the bed, holding her on his chest.  "Let's get some rest, together, while Grace is still asleep."  It broke his heart to hear her cry quietly into his chest.  He wished he could do more to squash her fears, but he couldn't.  He needed to let her figure it out in her own.  But he knew, he KNEW, she would be a great mum.  She just needed to relax and let it come naturally.

The next few days were much of the same.  Harry spent a lot of the time telling her that he understood her fears but that he believed she was going to be the best mum for Grace.  And he watched her.  She knew, instinctively, what Grace needed when she needed it.  And if she was wrong the first time, she was right the second.  He looked up from Grace as Julie descended the final steps from her shower.  "Hey baby, how do you feel?"

"Cleaner."  Julie said as she walked towards the couch.  "Kinda hungry.  Do we have anything?"

"Not really.  Haven't gone shopping in awhile, I'll just order something and go shopping later, or tomorrow."  He took Grace and transferred her to Julie's arms.  "What do you feel like?"

"I don't know.  Burger and fries?  Or onion rings.  Yeah, onion rings.  And a milk shake.  Oh, and maybe something for dessert.  Like banana cream pie or heavily frosted cake."  Julie rattled off as she looked down at Grace and smiled taking her little hand.

Harry chuckled as he stood up holding his phone.  He looked down at her and Grace.  "There's my girl."  He leaned down and lifted her chin with his pointer finger and kissed her lips.  "I love seeing that appetite back."

"I'm just starving.  That's all."  She shrugged a shoulder and laughed a little.  "Yeah, I know, I've been difficult again, I'm sorry.  Well, maybe I'm not.  This has been A LOT to handle, and YOU did this to me.  I'm still blaming you."

Harry stood back up and raised an eyebrow back down at her.  "Say what, now?  There is no finger pointing in this.  We are in this together, completely."

"Nope, your fault.  Deal with it."  Julie smiled down at Grace again and said hi to her a few times.

Harry kissed Grace's forehead and the Julie's.  "Nope, I'll argue with you about it later.  I'm going to order you some food before you change your mind.  Then I need to call Jeff, ok?  I won't be long."

"Yeah, we are fine.  Not like we are going anywhere."  Julie played with Grace's hand as she squirmed a little and made her little grunting noises.

Harry stood and watched for a few more seconds.  He loved the sight of the two of them together.  No matter how many times Julie said she was worried, she was always so good with Grace.  He had no worries about her raising Grace.  She would never accept it or acknowledge it, but she really was a natural Mum.  He finally tore himself away from the sight of his two girls and went to the kitchen.  He ordered food from their favorite burger joint.  Well, Julie's favorite.  His was a little different but he'd live.  Food was the one thing they disagreed on the most.  Which was actually quite comical most of the time.  He then sat at the counter and called Jeff.  "Hey, mate, sorry I didn't call back sooner.  It's been a bit chaotic around here.  What's going on?"

Happily Ever After??  (Third in the Through The Dark And Free series)Where stories live. Discover now