Chapter 17

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"Julie?" Harry called as he walked into the house two days later with his mum. "Mum's here." He figured she knew since he was home after going to the airport to pick his mum up, but he wanted Julie to be prepared if she happened to not be feeling well. He set his mum's bags by the bottom, and watched as Julie started down, the stairs. It looked like she had taken a shower. He took her hand and helped her down the last couple of steps. "How are you feeling?"

Julie shrugged her shoulders slightly and gave Harry the 'I'm still not sure this is a good idea' look, as she descended the final stair.

"It's going to be fine, love." Harry leaned down and kissed her getting the fresh taste of the minty mouth wash she used after she got sick, so it answered the question she never directly answered. The medication had helped some. She was able to drink more and eat a little, but it didn't take the sickness away completely. "Did you put it on?" He asked looking down into her eyes.

Julie sighed heavily. "Yes. But I still think it's...."

"It's not." Harry interrupted. "It's cute, and she's going to love it." He said sticking his chest out triumphantly.

"You would think that." Julie shook her head as she heard Anne coming towards her. She plastered a smile on her face and prepared herself for the hug she was about to get hoping and praying the squeeze didn't cause her to become nauseous.

"Julie!" Anne exclaimed excitedly. "It's so good to see you, love." She squeezed Julie tightly and then pulled back and looked at her face. "Oh, Harry was right; you really aren't feeling well. Come, love. Let's get you settled on the couch."

"Yeah, it's been a bit of a rough time. Sorry Harry thought you needed to come all of this way, though." Julie glanced at Harry as Anne helped her sit on the couch.

"Nonsense." Anne sat beside Julie and pulled the blanket over Julie's lap. "I enjoy being needed. It doesn't happen much anymore. Harry says he doesn't want to leave you alone while he's in meetings, so here I am."

"You're always needed, Mum. Don't talk like that. Do you want something to drink? I'm going to grab Julie a cold ginger ale." Harry asked walking towards the kitchen.

"A tea would be great, love. Thank you." Anne smiled at Harry and then turned back to Julie and reached up to feel her forehead. "Doesn't seem you have a fever, so that's good."

"No. No fever. I don't have an infection." Julie stated. She would forever wonder why she couldn't ever react like a normal woman in love. Harry was excited. She loved him. He wanted to tell his mom, and she was scared to death. "I think Harry overreacts just a little. I probably would have been just fine."

"Probably. But he loves you. And wants you comfortable. And I really don't mind being here. So, use me." Anne smiled and rubbed Julie's knee.

Harry brought in tea for his mum and handed Julie her glass of cold ginger ale. "I'm not overreacting." He sat on the arm of the couch next to Julie and rested his hand on her shoulder, looking down at her. "I'll feel better with you having someone here if you don't feel comfortable with me canceling my meetings for now." Harry looked reassuringly into Julie's eyes. He then looked at his mum. "But, that's not the only reason I had you come right away, Mum."

Anne looked at Harry confused before glancing at Julie who was looking at the glass of ginger ale set in her lap. "What's going on? Things have felt a little off since I got here." She reached over and took one of Julie's hands. She was concerned, more then ever now, about Julie's health. Julie seemed to have have lost color since she'd arrived. "Are you ok, love? Did something happen?"

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